What kinds of Stars do you have/recommend


I was just curious as to what types of stars people have in their tanks and what typs are good for a reef. Also, do you feed your star, and if so how? I would like to know because I plan on getting a few for my tank once it is more established. Thanks :cool:


Active Member
I have a red brittle star and I feed it plankton pellets about once a week, just drop it in and it's tentacles pull the food in.


Active Member
I have a green brittle star and I feed it large pieces of krill once or twice a week and it scavenges the rest of the time.


Active Member
I have two chocolate chip stars (not reccommended for reef). I feed them seaweed selects by lifting them up and putting a piece of seaweed underneath them.

sinner's girl

had a choc chip, he like to play the game "knock over snails and suck them" used to feed him shirmp.
now have a brittle (he's a brownish red) and a serpent. feed both shrimp maybe once a week, maybe not. they'll cool, fun to watch. serpent was missing a leg and a half so he was reall fun to watch.
we feed them by first feeding the fish, the stars will come out in hope to get some food. then we make the star come to us, we hold the piece of shrimp in the water and let them take it from our hands, normaly they will rap their arm (or whatever it is) around the shrimp and bring it to their mouth.
hope this helps


Active Member
ive got a sandsifting that hangs out in my dsb, that i feed once a week by brying a piece of krill in the sand next to him. I also have a small, probably 2 inches in diameter red star that has tiny black dots all over his arms. I dont know what kind it is but it is reef safe, and eats algae and detritus all over the tank. He is so cool though because he is bright orange/red, almost the color of a flame hawk! If anyone has any idea what he might be let me know! Until i get the modern corla reef aquarium volume 4 i may never know!


Thanks for the responses everyone, I did a search on brittle stars and I have read a lot of accounts of them being agressive, especially green ones, so I am a little unsure if I would want to try one. Has anyone had a blue or orange linckia star?


Active Member
Blue linkia. Great algae eaters. Eats algae exclusively. Don't ever touch them with your hands. The oils in your skin will kill them. Also, acclimate them very slowly. I love mine.