what kinds of triggers w/a lion fish?


just wondering what all triggers are safe to keep with a v.lion as not all triggers are,such as im begining to think with my undalated,man is he ever aggresive.my huma huma,and niger don't bother my lion at all,so i need to know before i buy,and have trouble.and i soon plan to purchase a salt water book soon to help me with this.thanks in advance!A.S. :D


Almost all Pacific triggers will work with lions. But very few fish can survive with undulated trigers. They best advice is to sell the undlated back and maybe get a Snowflake eel. The book that I have is "The Marine Aquarium Problem Solver" Provides alot of info.


LionFish says......
Yeah, Udulated Triggers are pretty nasty to most fish. They can easily damage a lionfish if they want to. I would suggest you take the trigger back, like Mark said, and if you want you can get a Snowflake eel. Or depending on the size of your tank, you could get a Harlequin Tusk, which is a really cool fish. Even a Puffer could work in a large tank. But definitely get rid of the Undulated before it destroys the lion.


As for me, no more trigger with lion fishes. A long time ago, my trigger attacked the lion and ate his belly. It was a bad mess :(


Thanks guy's!the undalated is gone!my lion is the only fish that i've kept scince i started salt water,and can't have anything happen to my no.1!Thanks again. A.S.


I'd personally say "Don't put any triggers with a lion." (perhaps a pink tail). I just feel the two types of fish have totally different personalities or ways of life (whatever you want to call it). I know many do this, and I did years ago but I wouldn't do it to a lion again. Triggers are just way more active and keep the lion on alert (I feel). Lion's seem not to like triggers swimming around them closely or getting right in their faces. At least this is what I've gotten out of my experiences with the two being together. But when many peoples favorites are lions and triggers then obviously people are going to mix them.
[ August 20, 2001: Message edited by: skirk ]
undulate is the meanest, chose between the triggers or the lions but if you want both chose more peacefull triggers like niger,huma,rectangular,pinktail. both species demand ALOT of space.