What light do you need for Mushrooms and Zoas?

I have a 28 watt Coralife light. I don't know if it's PC or MH, etc. I would like to know if that is ok for a few Zoas, and a mushroom? I have a 20 gal high tank.


mushrooms yes zoas if u want them keep them high up but u should consider a coralife 24in 130w or an odyysea 24in 130w they are only 64 bucks


New Member
Thats the same light i have for my 20 high. I have a kenya right now and ive been told that its enough like for zoas and mushrooms. Soft corals i think. Start out with a kenya and a xenia. Thats what im going to do. They are very hardy so you cant kill them as easily. I just started at this hobby to so im just going on what ive been told on here.
Originally Posted by kidreef
well if it were a regular 20g i mite say okay but its high and more watts would help
Thanks! I will start saving for the 130w. Should I go higher if I can afford it? I don't want to fry any thing, so what is my max on Watts?


Your lights are power compacts. You may be able to keep mushrooms and zoos but you won't get much growth at all. If you got the suggested lights you could keep most any soft corals.