What livestock can i have?


Active Member
only non-photosynthetic corals like a sun coral. i would say get some PC lighting though...... it will be much better for you, your tank inhabitants, and it will let you keep some of the corals that you want. get some odyssea PCs. you can get some that are realy inexpensive.


Active Member
What size tank and how many watts?
I've got 160 watts of NO flourescents on our 75 gallon and the mushrooms are growing like crazy! We also have a "hairy" mushroom and a "pimple" mushroom and a toadstool leather. The last three are up high in the tank - about 5-6 inches from the surface and the light. They are doing well. I have the parts but not the time right now for VHO lighting (around 440watts total). For now, however, I am tickled with the coral we can grow.


Active Member
i have a regular 20watts flourescent i was wondering can i get any corals for now its a 29gal tank


Active Member
All I can tell you is my experience--which is limited. The purple/blue shrooms we have will literally grow out from under a rock (in a cave). The cave was on the bottom of the tank. Now the shroom was white :scared: but it was alive and growing. It started out as a lost - free floater.
20 watts doesn't seem like a lot, but hey mushrooms are tough. What kind of spectrum is your NO flourescent? The color is important. My bulbs are coralife 10k's(2) and blue actinics(2).


Active Member
Is that a 24 inch bulb? If so, your LFS should be able to get you some bulbs. If ya only get one, make it a 50/50(half blue actinic and half 10k i think). That should be the right color. If you have glass tops, you could get a 24 inch fixture and bulb at that major department store that Sam walton started, for about 10 bucks. This is a grow light (around 6.5k) so you'll want to replace it too.


Active Member
i didnt know they made 50-50 NO bulbs? huh......
things MAY grow under that lighting, but they will not thrive..... My LFS keeps softies-mushrooms-zoos all in a 50 breeder tank with like 150 watts of NO..... do this live? yes.... but you should see the color change from when they get from their tanks to my measily 192 watts of PC. I got a brown, dull frilly mushroom off the glass for 5 bucks. and two on a small rock for 10.... they were the color of poop..... after like two weeks in my awauarium..... it turns out, they are green and look realy nice. Some other ones, they were brown also. once agian, the color of poop. small, stretched out... not very appealing..... But i got 5 for 20 bucks on a small piece of branching lr because it was my first coral and i didnt want to spend too much. it turns out.... they are a realy vibrant green with red pimples..... they have the same ones growing in their 120 gallon tank with malids. same color. only they sell them for like 15 bucks a shroom with no rock! heh heh


nah , don't waste your money vietboi, if you want to keep corals, you want to see them grow and spread around. If you really wanna have corals get some better lights and you won't regret it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Konrade
I have never seen a fixture where you can have 150 watts of NO fluorescents?
it wasnt 150. i said LIKE 150. i could remember it if was 120 or 160, so i jsut picked a number in between. lol either way, i would grow corals in there.
and i completly agree with exile


Active Member
They do make a 50/50 N.O. bulb. They are 6000K and blue actinic. SO I guess the grow light would probably work at 6500K. Some blue would look better if ya can swing it. THat fixture is like 10 bucks with the bulb. Get a shroom and try it.
I've had good luck with my NO lights.
vi3tb0i said he(?) was going to get some PC's eventually, he's just a little anxious to see something in his tank! Can't blame him!
No one is arguing NO's are better than PC's. NO's are cheaper than PC's and effective for SOME things. A very limited number of coral, but some will do OK under these lights. At least in my experience.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
They do make a 50/50 N.O. bulb. They are 6000K and blue actinic. SO I guess the grow light would probably work at 6500K. Some blue would look better if ya can swing it. THat fixture is like 10 bucks with the bulb. Get a shroom and try it.
I've had good luck with my NO lights.
vi3tb0i said he(?) was going to get some PC's eventually, he's just a little anxious to see something in his tank! Can't blame him!
No one is arguing NO's are better than PC's. NO's are cheaper than PC's and effective for SOME things. A very limited number of coral, but some will do OK under these lights. At least in my experience.
some MAY live, but they will not thrive. they will not have the amount of color that they once did and most likely not gain it back. wait a little until you get the PCs.


Active Member
This shroom grew to around 6" diameter and is making "babies" as you can see. We use NO flourescents on our 75 gallon.


Active Member
yellow lights are actualy a better spectrum fro photosynthesis to take place. however, they will often produce unwanted algae growth. i still say wait for a bit until you get pcs. with the money you can spend on corals, you can guy pcs with, and keep a lot more corals healthyer and also looking a lot nicer.


Active Member
If you have a "full spectrum" bulb, it probably has a lot of yellow in it. The Fishieness is right on: If you have yellow, be prepared to see some nuisance algae growth. The PC's are definately worth the wait, BUT you CAN keep a few things under NO's. You will just have to make some concessions like changing the yellow bulbs to 50/50's and add another 20watt strip ($10).
I made a trip to the LFS today and I must admit, there is a WORLD of difference in flourescents and other types of lighting. Oddly enough he had at least one tank of coral (mostly shrooms and xenias and leathers) under NO's!!
Good luck and let us know. How bout some pics?