What livestock can i have?


Active Member
Sure! :joy:
If you are like a lot of folks on here (myself included), then you'll take some digital pics of your tank. I have some when I first started to put rock in it!! I got to tell you all that the first smell of salt when I opened the bucket of instant ocean hooked me.

Anyway, yeah! Keep us posted and share some pics if ya can.


Active Member
Ya gotta love the clowns.
I like the 4th frame. He's like, "Hey, what are you looking at?"
Is that and Emporer filter? They move a lot of water for a tank that size.
Are you going to get some more rock? What's the plan?


Active Member
yea i have $120 the first thing i am gonna buy is the lights than more liverock than powerheads than bakground and than anemone and corals


Active Member
Post them here so everyone can enjoy. I have very little SW experience. Most everyone else here knows WAY more than me and can help if ya need it. I would like to see your pics when you get the new lights and rock.

When you get ready to trade some coral, let me know!