what makes a starfish have six legs????


i just got a linkia the other day... and it has 6 legs..... what would make it have six legs/??/
my guy at the lfs said hes never seen this before.... any ideas????


Active Member
im not all too sure although i have seen stars with 6 legs. They do reproduce by budding i believe where they will drop a leg and it will grow into another full star. Am i correct on this anyone? I am notsure, however, if they dropp a 6th leg or jsut their 5th.
but ihope you have a hundred pounds of live rockfor that linkia to eat


Active Member
watch to see if it can make objects float, if so contact the "X-MEN" right away, its a mutant!
actually i dont know but id love to see a pic

bang guy

Originally Posted by agoutihead
i just got a linkia the other day... and it has 6 legs..... what would make it have six legs/??/
my guy at the lfs said hes never seen this before.... any ideas????
There are species with 5, there are species with 6, there are species of starfish with 20+ legs.
I believe Linckia have 5, Ophiura could correct me if I'm wrong. There are species that look similar to Linckia though that have 6 legs like Tamaria sp.


well orphia said what i actually have is not a linkia... somethign similar.... its the same body style... there is a pic of it under.... ID THIS STARFISh from the past couple of days.
hey bang did you get my email???


Active Member
Echinaster luzonicus, commonly called the burgundy (or maybe red) Linckia commonly has 6 arms. It is not uncommon in many species of seastars. Sometimes it is an abnormality, sometimes it is characteristic of the species. Its basically just not true that seastars always have 5 arms.
Only some seastars will reproduce via arm drops. Many Linckia can do this under appropriate conditions. I never recommend people cut off the arms of Linckia to do it as most will simply kill their star. Any arm may break off, and in extreme cases all arms of the star can "walk" off in opposite directions pulling the star apart, with each arm then regrowing another star. How this happens is not well understood.


Active Member
Here's a pic of a 6-legged multiflora I had a while ago. I got it from a friend after his kept dropping arms in his tank.


New Member
I recently got a tank that my boyfriend had about 5 years ago it is about 350 gallons. At the time he had a starfish, not sure what kind, that died shortly before he sold it. Now we have a "ton" of tiny starfish all gray & white & all with 6 legs. We decided to just let them grow & see what happened before making any moves. All seem healthy and are helping to acclimate the tank again.