The Bulb Anemone is often referred to as the Four-colored, Bulb Tentacle, Bulb Tip, or Bubble Tip Anemone. Red variations may be referred to as Rose Anemones. The appearance of the Bulb Anemone can vary greatly from one individual to the next. Under intense lighting, the tentacles will develop bulbs at the tips.
The Bulb Anemone is usually found in coral rubble, or in solid reefs. Its pedal disc is usually attached deep within dead coral. It stretches its tentacles to become sweeper tentacles when hungry. That is, the tentacles become elongated to capture a meal, then the tentacles shorten and the bubble tips return.
Handle this invertebrate, and all Anemones, with care. They can sting other Anemones, as well as Corals.
The Bulb Anemone needs strong illumination with live rock full of deep holes and crevices, or branchy corals placed in the sand. They require an aquarium of at least 30 gallons, as they can grow up to 12" across in the aquarium. These anemones will typically remain compact and will gain bulb tips under intense lighting. If the lighting is insufficient, they will expand their bodies to great lengths to make the most of the available light. It should be kept with a Clownfish for best results. At times, the tentacles may appear stringy; this may be due to insufficient light or the need for food.
Its diet should include chopped fish, shrimp, or worms if a clownfish is not present.
The Small bulb anemones from Fiji and Tonga are typically colored in shades of brown, tan or maroon with an occasional green specimen. The Medium and Large bulb anemones from Singapore are typically green in color and may have a maroon base.
What kind of lighting do you have? By intense lighting, they mean MH, so if you have anything under MH, that's probably the reason it's not 'bubbling'...