what more do i need?


i have a 29gal biocube

- 30 lbs live rock
- 30 lbs live sand
- 20 asstorted corals
- 2 feather dusters
- 1 royal gramma
- 2 false pec. clowns
- 1 scarlet cleaner shrimp
- 1 fire blood shrimp
- 2 emerald crabs
- 3 blue leg hermits
- 3 scarlet hermits
- 10 astrea snails
- 3 large turbo snails
- 1 nassarius snail
what more do i need for a clean up crew? all suggestions are welcomed!!
what else should i add via fish or inverts or corals? thanks guys for helping me out
I guess the question is, how well is the current clean up crew doing? If they are doing a decent job then no need to add more.


Active Member
I agree with above. The only thing I would maybe add if its needed is a few more hermits.


Active Member
I would get a couple of cleaner clams...they bury themselves in the sand and help keep your nitrates down. Being under the sand you never see them, but once in awhile they blow sand up kind of like a whale blowing. Last night I actually caught mine blow twice within 30 seconds. The first one got my attention and was watching a blue leg hermit crawl towards the area where the sand blew. The second burst from the clam had the hermit right over the blow hole and the hermit got blown 4" or 5" into the air. Kind of comical...thought I would share.


Active Member
Here is an old post on cleaner clams...on the first page someone describes buying the "cleaner clams" at the grocery store in the seafood section and it works. I guess they can survive the refrigerator in the store and the thread will describe how to bring them home and test the clams to see if they are alive. I think it is a 50-50 shot of them still being alive so buy a few. I got mine from a LFS, but if your LFS doesn't sell them, here is a cheap way to possbilly get some.


Definately get a conch if your LFS has one! I have one and he does an amazing job at keeping the sandbed clean. He's also very interesting to watch. It literally looks like he has a vacuum and he is vacuuming the sandbed. He will clean the sand, clean the rocks and clean the glass. I call mine "Snuffleupagus" because that's what he reminds me of.
See if you can get one of them.

If your current CUC isn't doing a good enough job, maybe get a couple more dwarf blue legs. Otherwise, your CUC looks pretty solid.


Originally Posted by KAT74
Definately get a conch if your LFS has one! I have one and he does an amazing job at keeping the sandbed clean. He's also very interesting to watch. It literally looks like he has a vacuum and he is vacuuming the sandbed. He will clean the sand, clean the rocks and clean the glass. I call mine "Snuffleupagus" because that's what he reminds me of.
See if you can get one of them.

If your current CUC isn't doing a good enough job, maybe get a couple more dwarf blue legs. Otherwise, your CUC looks pretty solid.

thanks ill look into the conch if my LFS has one