What nano tank should I get?


I have a large DT, but the Biocubes I see set up at the stores make me want one, badly. However, I have seen so many brands and prices, I don't know where to start. So, I'm here asking where to begin, and hopefully for any advice that can be given. I'm new to the forum, so I hope I'm doing alright. I definitely want fish in my nano, so how small can/should I go? I've been keeping fish my whole life and never had anything smaller than a 30gal, so I'm a bit out of my depth here. Thank you for any help.


Active Member
i have a aquapod 12 gallon and i love it but yesterday in my lfs i seen the new Red sea max 34 gallon nano and OMFG that thing looks awsome. Its not very cheap " around $599 for just the tank if you shop around"but it has like everything built in. its worth doing a websearch on if 600-700 is within your price range.


I know a local shop that's having a 50% off sale in a few weeks, needless to say I want to get my tank then. It's going to be an early Christmas present from my dad, as long as he gets one too and I set it up for him. The store sells "Biocube", "Red Sea", and one simply called a "Nano Cube". I'm glad to see you don't have to get a 14 gallon one, I've always been leery of small tanks. Granted I have set up a 5 gal for my brother with two guppies, and he loves it. I just always felt anything under 20 was meant for a betta.
I like the idea of it being all inclusive, does that include a protien skimmer? Thanks again for all the help.


Active Member
yup prizm protein skimmer as well... the lights are 2x55 T5s also. And you only have to plug one outlet into the wall, has built in power strip.


New Member
I bought 2 Aquapods one leaked the other lights didn't work.I got the Biocube 29gal and love it.You don't even need a skimmer as long as you keep up on water changes.I just added a 20' 150 sunpod and went open top.The only problem now is I'm running out of room.
Where in Texas are you??I'm in Carthage,Texas(east Texas)Go for the 29 Biocube great unit.let me know and I can hook you up with some frags.


I'm leaning towards the 29 Biocube, and I live in Denton, about 30 miles north of DFW. But believe me, I'm a Texan at heart so I don't mind driving a long ways to get something I want, and only the best for my fish. Thanks for the input.


I have a Bio Cube 29 the only thing i dont like is the top!!! The top feeding and back area is so hard to open!!! Also theres nothing to hold the top if you decide to life the whole top....


I have the JBJ 24 nano cube. the skimmer is weak. All inclusive. Other than the skimmer, i love it. Very reasonable, adn you can find them cheap on the bay of e as well as online, but I would find a sale at a local shop and make them fill it with water before bringing it home to check for leaks.. Upgrades for lighting adn such are available. I would suggest the ampliflied eductor, and an extra powerhead in the tank for more flow if you have lots of LR. i have 40 + lbs LR and 30 lbs. LS. I have a huge amount of coral and only two fish to keep the maintenace simple. I hae pics under 24 g nano cube on the fish photoraphy forum.
Best wishes.


Thank you! I hadn't even thought of that. I know a local shop having a sale in a couple of weeks, and want to get it then. I'll let you guys know what happens.