what next... anyone care to help a sista out...


Alright so I finally finished my cycle...(actually is was finshished before i thought it was) anyways... I got my starter cleaner crew and a lawnmower blenny and two very small clowns... And I am at a stand still... I dont need to add anyfish for a couple more weeks... but i need to qt for at least three right.... So Can I go ahead with my next fish and get it into qt...
Next question i had made up my list for a 75 with
2 false clowns
Lm Blenny
a one spot foxface
signal goby or mardrin...( i know both can not be kept and i will have to weight for awhile)
i am trying to decide between a flame angel or a coral beauty
i dont think i want a tang... (Dont want to get flamed either)
I guess that is it... I want something else something small but bright and odd... if you understand that... and what ever it is i would like to put it in next as to give my clowns some time to grow... they are a ladies thumb nail size...any suggestions... and any body know which fish should be added in which order.. i know this gets asked alot... but i guess i am just the type of person that needs someone to yeah or nah me


Active Member
Heres a response you don't see everyday, you need more fish.
First off I'd say add the foxface last, but mandarins do way better in an older tank. Coral Beauty or Flame is more of a decorating choice. CBs get a little bigger than Flames. Whatever you decide between them, thats what I'd put in next out of your present list.
Scissortail Gobies and Firefish are kinda odd, you really need a lid though. I'd put those in before the angel.


Thanks... lol.. so i would need to go like this
1Scissortail Gobies and Firefish or some small wierd fish
2Flame or cb
4then the mandirn or signal goby


Active Member
The wrasse would be before the angel, but before or after the gobies wouldnt matter much.