What next for my 30?

what should i get next for fathers day for my tank. in there sofar i have a purple pseudeochromis, a tomato clown, 6 hermits, 2 emerald crabs and a brittle star



Active Member
i wanted to get a bicolor blennie for my 29. But the other blennie and the bicolor are both herbavors. I have heard sometimes where they will not eat nori and will only eat natural algae found in your tank. And a 30 would be way too small to be able to provide enough of that.
Bicolor Blenny
(Ecsenius bicolor)
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Bicolor Blenny
Quick Stats
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.021-1.023; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 4"
Color Form: Blue, Orange
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Herbivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Indo-Pacific, Sri Lanka
Family: Blenniidae
The Bicolor Blenny is also known as the Two-colored Blenny. The Bicolor is so-named because the anterior half is blue to dull brown, and the posterior half is dull orange. Males are generally larger than females and experience a succession of color changes, including blue, when breeding. These Blennies exhibit great personality in the aquarium.
Generally found amid crevices and rocks on the bottom of its environment, the Bicolor Blenny needs a tank of at least 30 gallons with scattered rocks for perching and hiding. Opinions are mixed as to whether the Bicolor Blenny is a peaceful tank member and safe for invertebrates. Some believe the Bicolor Blenny is not safe with other species members and may pick on gobies and firefish. Others say the Bicolor Blenny is a peaceful community fish. Some say the Bicolor Blenny is safe around invertebrates and other sources say it will eat them. The best alternative is probably to combine these groups cautiously.
The diet of the Bicolor Blenny should include vegetable matter, including frozen and dried foods containing marine and blue-green algae. It will also feed on (and help control) algae growing in the aquarium.
Starry Blenny
(Salarias ramosus)
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Starry Blenny
Quick Stats
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; KH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 5½"
Color Form: Brown, Dark, Mottled, Yellow
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Herbivore
Origin: Cebu
Family: Blenniidae
The Starry Blenny is also referred to as Snowflake Blenny. Its body is a mottled dark brown with white dots and its pectoral and tail fins are yellow.
A well-established 30 gallon or larger aquarium with multiple swimming levels and plenty of rock is a suitable environment. It is not usually aggressive unless the tank mates appear to have a similar shape as it does. It is best to house singly unless kept in a larger tank and the two are a mated pair. It tends to perch and hop from rock to rock looking for microalgae to graze on.
The Starry Blenny does best in well-established aquariums with large amounts of natural algae to feed on. The diet can be supplemented with vegetable matter, Spirulina, and herbivore preparations.


Active Member
im not saying that they wont eat nori or anything. Im saying i have seen posts where people's didnt. Your best bet it to ask them to feed him in the store before you buy.