What next?


I was wondering if any one could suggest what type of fish I should get next.
I would like something bigger and more colorful than what I have now.
My 55gal is now seven months old and stable. I have 45-lbs of rock, 1- Potters Angel, 2 – Damsels and one Clown.
Your suggestions would be appreciated.
Just buy more tanks, connect them together, put a really huge pump at one end, and it would be just like a raceway at a hatchery... ;)


Is there a chance you can get the damsels out?? or you still like them messing around in your tank?? How about a wrasse??? 6 line/4 line. I like the 4 line. Royal Gramma, Bicolor Blennies, Firefish, etc. That's some of my suggestions and hey, great to see a canuck on this board. ;) HTH


I agree ivanfjm, bi-color blennies are awesome. One of my favorite fish. A great addition to any tank.
I would go with Firefish just they are hardy and they are very calm and attractive fish. Or get rid of those damsels and put a small shoal of Green Chromis. They may be damsels but they are much calmer and when light hits their bright green scales it is truly spectacular!


yes, green chromis are cool....they were my first after cycling was complete. I want a couple firefish, but I haven't run across any at my LFS around here.....


Thanks for all your input.
But why does everyone think I should get rid of my Damsels?
Yes it is good to see other Canuck's on the board.;)
B/C most Damsels are extremely territorial, and if you add a new fish, the damsels may attack this new fish until it has left its territory or died!


with 45 lbs of live rock I hate to say you might be SOL unless you are willing to take apart all the rock and move it out of the tank. Damsels are extremely fast and difficult to catch, you could try it with a net but I really recommend using a plastic container and trying to catch the fish this way.
You may get lucky and get them without taking your live rock apart, but who knows. I have 3 damsels in my 75 gallon and i like them, they don't give my fish trouble and to be honest I think my cinnamon clown gives them a harder time than they give her.


My green chromis are really friendly when it comes to feeding time or even when my hand goes into the tank, they peck at it......so I think if a person were to kind of train them to eat around or out of your net.....could scoop them up.......maybe??
Never tried it myself.
Are all of the damsels very territorial or just the blue? I can't really tell with mine yet, have no other fish but I want to add a couple of clowns next week.


I have one Clown and the two Damsels get along with him.
I think I will keep my Damels for now and see if they get along with any new fish. If they are bad fish then I'll try to net them.