marlins #1
Naw just kidding, why did you pay so much....
Well my friends EEL, my eel same thing, snowflake eel about 6 inches, and in perfect condition, he ate well and even snuck out of his rock like 2 a day or more and swam around.
Well my friend woke up yesterday and saw it on the floor.
It committed Suicide, so this sucks more than your problem.
Too top it off, his tank did have a top cover with lights, and just a small hole where it could've poped out of, but how did he find that whole, he must have tried hard.
be patient and good things would come, and questions would be answered
Well my friends EEL, my eel same thing, snowflake eel about 6 inches, and in perfect condition, he ate well and even snuck out of his rock like 2 a day or more and swam around.
Well my friend woke up yesterday and saw it on the floor.
It committed Suicide, so this sucks more than your problem.
Too top it off, his tank did have a top cover with lights, and just a small hole where it could've poped out of, but how did he find that whole, he must have tried hard.
be patient and good things would come, and questions would be answered