What now.....


First i lost a porcipine puffer to a bacterial disease now i think my zebra eel has something.
He hasnt come out for a week so i moved some rocks around and he has a whit haze covering his face. all parameters are normal and i do a 15 gallon water change on my 90 gallon every week i am going to get a QT tommorrow to help him but here are my questions. How do i treat him and secondly what do i do with my DT that seems to be a bacteria factory, and what is wrong with elvis(the eel)


How do you know that the other fish was bacterial? Can you please post your exact water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, SG, and temp? What do you feed this eel? How long have you had him?


i showed a guy @ lfs the puffer and he was pretty sure it was bacteria. as for specs ph 8.1,sg 1.0122, ammonia is 0, no2 and no3 are at 0, temp is 79. i have had him for almost two months. he was eating frozen krill, clams and a few silversides. when he would eat the clams he would eat them shell and all.


can anyone help before he dies? this is ridiculous. i got a closer look and it looks like his skin just peeled off of his head........now what?


i hear ya, going through the same thing now with mt blue hippo. I cant find anything on it. I sent my whole tank into hypo because I was treating for ich and now this. I lost almost everything to this. My clown kics A$$. he is just chilling unaffected by all the others. He actually goes after them if they get too close almost like he knows something. I am in the same boat! no one seems to know or figure it out. Just came back here to try and figure it out. I have had my tank for 2+ years with no prob's and now this crap.