what now


New Member
So the eel took a good chunk out of the puffer and now he is dead i thought he might live but i didnt realize the severity of the bite so what i was wondering is should i try another porky puffer a smll striped dogface or a stars and stripes puffer they all are small and at the lfs im thinking the porky because of his spikes but that didnt really help this one. i want to get the species that is most active and eats the most any response is very welcomed thanks


I would have to say a porc puffer is your best bet... GREAT personality, and they have more of a defense than most other puffers :D


New Member
how was the eel my fault and how the hell would freshwater help me if im killing fish there are freshwater eels and everyone on the board told me to put it in with the eel i read other posts they said the eel is peacful so how was it my fauly smart guy exactly its not

jordan 150

I feel I have to side with austin on this one im also a new hobbiest and although i have researched very hard i did have a niger trigger and a porcupine puffer fight to the death. Fish are unpradictable everyone has lost at least one fish in there time so why make a sarcastic remark on someone just trying to get some advice. so he doesnt make the same mistakes. come on now would you really think twice about putting a snowflake eel and a stars and stripes or a porcupine puffer together. I wouldnt they usually are fine together so i think you should be less hipacritical to other less experienced members of the board.
Austin, I would agree that your not in the wrong on this but don't over-react either. Remember, you don't have to like what someone says on here, but be the bigger man and ignore worthless comments.
And just for your information, I learned from you experience and stayed away from the purchase of a small puffer last night because I have yet to get my snowflake eel to eat (been a few days since he was added). Thanks for the info.
I would see if your lfs can get in a larger specimen. My lfs is able to order in larger ones, but of course, you pay for them also. Good luck.
don,t take it to heart , people will say things you don,t like ,but push those aside and continue with your hobby ,good luck :D