what now?


alright i have a 55g with 35 lbs of live rock 2 inch deep live sand a few hermits and snails 2 sponges starburst polyps straberry or chili coral green electric carpet(awesome) huge long tentical anemone then valentini puffer 3 damsels 1 3 inch clown and a 14 in snowflake that is a sissy but is a favorite now heres the ? i want one larger fish prolly around 5 in to be like the patroller of the tank or the big gun whats some suggestions and if u think its to full i will more than likely get about a 250 to 300 this summer but just in case will u please not tell me i am too packed and give a suggestion


Active Member
You're probably done with the 6 fish you have in there and only 35lbs of LR. What additional filtration do you have?
If the damsels found their way back to your LFS (hint, hint) you could add another larger, active fish.
Some of the fairy wrasses grow to about 5" and they stay on the move and are reef safe. If your tank has been up for a while, read greater than 6 months a dwarf angel would work as well.
Good Luck on your decisions!


Originally posted by joe5_15
[ but just in case will u please not tell me i am too packed and give a suggestion [/B]
Okay, I won't tell you.:eek:


how about a lion fish (poisionous)
Grouper (if your going to upgrade your tank)
porcupine puffer
Yellow Tang


naw, ur not packed ;)
ya know, i'm sure the damsels would like to be back at your LFS with all of their fish buddies(hint, hint)