what on earth are these?


I have these small snails that are overtaking my reef tank. THey are white and brown at first, and then when they become older they turn almost completely brown, or even almost black. They are about the size of a pea. Can anyone help me identifiy these things, and if so is there anyway I can get rid of them without huring my tank?


I can try... I have a sony digital camcorder that I think can take pics too. I have never tried to download one on my computer though.


Active Member
first -welcome to the board (mised that earlier) and second check out a thread called my take on differnet snails started by Kipass - see if any of those match your snails. Also - cehck out stomatella snails - they seem to reproduce like crazy then the populations dies down to more normal levels!


Well thank you for the warm welcome. I for some reason I can't get this picture that I took from my camcorder on my computer to post. Like I said they are white with brown spots...about the size of a pea, and when they get older they turn a darker color. I started out with maybe a few as hitchhikers on some rock I bought a couple years back. Well now there are thousands of them, and I can't get rid of them. They come out at night, and I pick out hundreds at a time. I looked at the post that you lead me to earlier, and it's none of those. I'm just looking for maybe some snail or fish that will eat them, but leave my reef alone.


Believe me when I say I doubt that will work. I wish I would have just taken them out when I first saw them. I started with maybe two or three, now...... there must be thousands. I have taken out thousands of these things (over12 hours one day turning the lights on and off and got about 600).


I tried posting a picture that I just took with my camcorder, but for some reaso I can't figure out how to get it to my hard drive. The snails really haven't done anything bad to my setup, it's just they are everywhere.


Active Member
do a search for stomatella - in one week I had them covering everything in my 5 gallon nano and the next they were all but gone....


what do you want new frags of and where are you in nc? I live in sumter sc area and will drive the little boogers if you want to do a major frag trade. I have enough xenia to supply the world, im sure you are the same if ya had one, now you have a hundred. I hacked up shrooms and ricordia yesterday, green star is going to get hacked up next week. I am also going to try splitting the galaxia soon if he keeps growing so much. leather will be ready to cut in about another month...