What on earth is this? (two ID's and one question)


New Member
This wasn't in my tank earlier today (around 3pm) when I went to feed my lil guys, but at around 9pm I spotted this weird bubble coming out of my substrate (bubble is about 1.5 inches in diameter). It looks like some kind of egg sac, but I don't have a clue. The "stalk" it's attatched to wasn't there either, but hasn't moved, despite the fact that the "bubble" is gone now. I didn't notice any obvious motion other than the bubble "blowing" in the current. Any ideas?

image from about an hour later when the "bubble" had deflated.

I'm assuming these lil' bastages are aiptasia?

Is it ok that my tank is home to what appers to be thousands upon thousands of these little guys (copeopods I think they are) and a hundred or so flatworms (as seen on the upper left of the rock). I know they're harmless/beneficial, but in the numbers that I have them in, I don't know... (55gal).

cda fish

IMO you have aiptasia. I will however be watching to see what the other members have to say about your bubble.. always something to learn..good luck

darth tang

Active Member
The flatworms are harmless.....If you have that many it means you have a good population of pods as the feed on them if I remember correctly. They will eventually start to diminish in numbers.


Originally Posted by Greyhaven7
I'm assuming these lil' bastages are aiptasia?

They don't look like aiptasia to me. Do they have a tube that they retract into? If so dusters, Try to get a close up shot including their base.

darth tang

Active Member
I have aptasia currently that look like that. Atleast I know they aren't dusters. The tentacles do not retract when disturbed, they ball up. The creature is completely clear/ see through.