What one fish to build your tank around?


I have a somewhat new tank with just a cleanup crew in it at the moment and am trying to decide what fish to put in there

If you guys could pick one fish to build your small 29 gallon tank around...what would you pick :thinking:
I would like to get that one fish in there and then get what's compatible with it. Thanks for the input

discus guy

if ur doing a small reef do some sort of clown i have to small nanos both with clowns one set of black and whites perculas and a set of regular clowns and they both are awesome sets except the black and white female attacks me whenever i clean or add something to the tank she attacks my hands everytime


firefish, the are nice and small and you could have a few, but please note that sometimes they are jumpers.


Active Member
Yea, I would say a clown for sure. You can put other stuff in there too, check out some gobies, or a scooter blenny, I have a bicolor dottyback, he's very pretty and a good size for that tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kelly
firefish, the are nice and small and you could have a few, but please note that sometimes they are jumpers.
Just becasue the BioCube has a hood doesn't mean jumper fish won't be a problem. Last week in my tank and one of the AZ girls who also has a Bio our clowns ended up in the drip tray. There is enough clearance between the top of the back wall and the hood to allow snails / fish to get to the back compartments. There are fixes, but just a warning to all.


Active Member
i was thinking of a gramma as well.
is this a reef?
if not, go with an angler- just make sure you do your hw first.


Thanks for the heads up Sigma...I meant that they wouldn't be jumping to their demise on my carpet :scared:
I have the back of the cube set up so there is actually enought water in the back compartments so that if a fish or snail or ? were to go back there they would be ok till I found them


New Member
dottybacks are neat and good looking fish but beware when they have been in the tank awhile they become very territorial and aggresive...toward everything except stuff MUCH larger than them. I d definately go with a pair of clowns and a scooty blenny.