What order of water, LS, LR


I have been reading and reading and will read more but in different books It says to start the tank in different ways. One says to add the water to the tank first and let it sit and make sure the SG and temp levers are correct. Then add the LR then the LS. Another book says to add the water last, Mixing it in a large clean trash can and letting it age. Which method is more widly used? The first sounds better to me but I thought I'd ask.


Active Member
to start a new tank......mix water and make sure salinity and everything is ok. Put LS in first then the water. After that add the LR which will start the cycle. Your water will come to temp in the tank. Since there are no fish in there yet temp isnt really important when you are just filling it up. Then go through the cycle process and then you can add some fish. HTH


I just went through this process about 2 months ago reading reading and more reading with all the books contradicting themselves. I agree with the previous posts although you do have the choice you can either mix the salt in the tank or in a trash can. I did it in the tank the benifit of doing it in the tank is you can see if your pump works and also if their is any leaks in your tank and also see when the salt disolves after the salt has dissolved add the sand whether it is part live or all live I added about 75 lb regular Sand and 25 LS. I am working on getting all my levels right and adding LR as I go I currently have 50 LB of LR and about 15 FW mollies that I converted over to Saltwater 2 weeks ago. They have had babies 3 times now. You can take the information from alot of people online and from stores and books but the best information I have obtained is how to get the fish to stay alive once they are in the tank. Make sure you ask more than 1 person for any piece of advise never take the word from just the petstore as I learned the hard way and bought $3000.00 worth of equipment that I have learned after that I don't need now. I plan on setting up a NONREEF tank but now the more I read on line I am slowly changing my mind I think what I will do is buy another tank real soon so as I can have a Reef and Nonreef tank.
Personally what I would reccomend for you is keep reading online posts are from current hobbyists and most of them understand what the problems you might be going through.