What order to add fish


New Member
Well my 220g tank has finished cycling. I want to add the following fish Humu Humu Trigger, Volitan Lion, Kunare Wrasse, Snowflake EEl, Clown Trigger, and a Harlequin Tusk. What order should I add them in? Thanks.
You add your fish from the least aggressive to the most aggressive.
I'll give it a shot: Kunare wrasse, Eel , Tusk, Humu Humu , then the Clown trigger.
I read that triggers shouldn't be mixed but with your size tank, it might be a different story. Hope I've helped!


Puffer daddy hit the nail right on the head, the order is correct, just make sure the clown is last he would be the only one I would worry about. I think that the two triggers will work in the size tank you have. Good Luck


I think you are talking about a Lunare wrasse,Add the tusk before the Lunare,because the tusk is a wrasse,and they will get along better if neither of them have territorries yet.I had my green bird wrasse in the tank first,and when I put my tusk in,the bird wrasse chased it around for a while,now they are fine together.Lunare wrasses will pick on almost anything put in the tank after him,so put it in before the triggers,they can hndle it.Also put your eel in first,this way it is easier to get him to start eating,withought other hungry fish getting to it,and it is the hardiest and least expencive fish on your list.


Oh yeah,add the Voliton lion right after the eel,because sometimes it is hard to get them to eat,and it wont have compitition for food,and also get it in before the other fin nippers.Sometimes if you put them in after triggers,or other aggressive fish,they pick on their long streamer like fins.