What order to add these fish?


New Member
I'm coming down the home-stretch of having my 75g FOWLR set-up ready for fish. I barely saw a cycle spike with all of the live rock (and a little live sand) in the tank. At 4 weeks I added a bunch of various types of snails and a few hermits, and they did an amazing job on the bit of obvious algae that had built up. The snails and crabs have been healthy and happy for over a week.
Today I'm setting up my quarantene tank, and will let that cycle for another few weeks.
So, the question now is, in what order do you guys recommend I add the following?
> (1) Percula Clown
> (1) Regal/Hippo Tang
> (1) Flame Angel
> (1) Black Cap Gramma
> (1) Cardinal Banggai
> (1) Golden Head Sifter Goby
I'd also like to add (2) Cleaner Shrimp, (1) Fire Shrimp, some Peppermint Shrimp, (1) Chocolate Chip Starfish, and (2) Pencil Urchins.
Is there any reason the shrimp, starfish and urchins should wait?
Any obvious compatibility issues that I'm overlooking?


Active Member
I really dont see any compatablity issues with that list....any order would be fine IMO...
However...Tangs and Dwarfs angles should be later because they need a very established system
The Goby needs a well established live sand bed to feed from and many starve because of this...
A 75g is much too small for a Hippo for long term, they grow fast and get big and stress very easy when in a too small of a tank...
The cleaners are OK but I dont know much about CCstars or urchins...


Active Member
I would add the clown and cardinal first. Then gramma and goby. And last angel and tang. I also wouldn't put a hippo tang in a 75 gal tank.


New Member
Someone else on another board recommended against the Tang. I think I'm going to cut that guy from the list. What if I replaced it with a Auriga/Threadfin Butterfly?
> (1) Percula Clown
> (1) Auriga/Threadfin Butterfly
> (1) Flame Angel
> (1) Black Cap Gramma
> (1) Cardinal Banggai
> (1) Golden Head Sifter Goby


Active Member
Add the flame angel last, I can't count how many times ive herd this stressed. They setup territories and get nasty if u add them early. Some people say they will harass any fish added after them.


Originally Posted by patandlace
I would add the clown and cardinal first. Then gramma and goby. And last angel and tang. I also wouldn't put a hippo tang in a 75 gal tank.
I had always thought you would add clowns last? At least thats what someone said on anouther site, because they were very teritorial especialy when it comes to annenomes. Could someone shed some light on this subject please, as I would like to add a pair of black and whites to my 55gal reef.
Thank you


Active Member
percula clowns are a lot less aggressive to new fish compared to marroons and tomatoes(sp?)
dogstar def has it right


Active Member
I'd go
Cadinal Bangi
Percula clown
Regal Tang
Golden headed Goby
black cap Basset
Flame angel
> (1) Percula Clown
> (1) Regal/Hippo Tang
> (1) Flame Angel
> (1) Black Cap Gramma
> (1) Cardinal Banggai
> (1) Golden Head Sifter Goby


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
Add the flame angel last, I can't count how many times ive herd this stressed. They setup territories and get nasty if u add them early. Some people say they will harass any fish added after them.
Sounds like my freshwater Blue Gourami. I havn't been able to add anything since I added him. He killed two pretty big Platies, but I was able to save one. He's now living in a 2 gallon tank in my office by himself (poor little guy, I should get him a female friend
). But then I'd have lots of babies, of course that could be feeder fish for my marine tank, lol. :thinking:


Active Member
You may have been joking but.....just in case :)
I've heard that you shoudn't feed freshwater fish to saltwater fish because they aren't nutritious. But you should ask around because I'm not an expert on the subject.