What order???


Active Member
I plan on getting these fish. What order should I add them
2 ocellaris clowns (already have)
Lawn mower blenny
yellow eyed tang
yellow watchman goby
flame angel, potters angel, or eibli angel(just one not all 3)
Longnose Buttefly
and MAYBE instead of getting one angel get 2...my LFS 3-4times a year will get a mated pair of flame angels! It's a 95gal FOWLR tank and been up and running for 3 weeks...nitrate,nitrite,ammonia, all 0, salinity 1.023, and everything else perfect. I also have 10turbos, 10nariccus snails, 60blue leg hermits, a cleaner shrimp and a scarlet shrimp. I would like to know what order to add the fish. All I really know is the tang, butterfly and angel are down the road...thanks


Active Member
Size of the fish you get may have some impact in regard to the angels and tang. As for the others it won't matter.
As for the butterfly. I would wait until next year. Seriously. They are hard to keep and you want your system to be very stable with excellent water conditions.
Good luck!