What Order


I have recently set up a 75 gallon, it has been up for about a month
I have two percula clowns
I want to add 2 green chromis, one harlequin tusk and a flame angel
adding fish order
1. two percula clowns (already in)
2. two green chromis
3. harlequin tusk
4. flame angel
does this order sound good what time frame should i use betwwen adding fish
also any other fish suggestions i definetly want the tusk and already have the two clowns


Originally Posted by MA
I have recently set up a 75 gallon, it has been up for about a month
I have two percula clowns
I want to add 2 green chromis, one harlequin tusk and a flame angel
adding fish order
1. two percula clowns (already in)
2. two green chromis
3. harlequin tusk
4. flame angel
does this order sound good what time frame should i use betwwen adding fish
also any other fish suggestions i definetly want the tusk and already have the two clowns
I am not sure but I was under the impression that the tusk would be agressive towards the smaller fish. I went to a lfs and he was taking the fish that were doing poorly and put them in with his tusk. He said it was his way of feeding the tusk and eliminating the unhealthy fish.
Not the smartest way, but it gave me the impression that it may not be wise to put the tusk in with the other docile fish.
I've never had a tusk so it may work but it didn't there


Active Member
The Harlequin Tusks are aggressive fish. I doubt it would work putting one in with smaller peacefull fish. As for the flame angel I would add it last. They need well established aquariums. I wouldn't add one anytime soon.


Although I can't recall the exact reason off-hand, I understand that it's better to have small schooling fish like chromis in odd numbers. May have something to do with controlling/limiting aggression within the group.


Originally Posted by MA
I have recently set up a 75 gallon, it has been up for about a month
I have two percula clowns
I want to add 2 green chromis, one harlequin tusk and a flame angel
adding fish order
1. two percula clowns (already in)
2. two green chromis
3. harlequin tusk
4. flame angel
does this order sound good what time frame should i use betwwen adding fish
also any other fish suggestions i definetly want the tusk and already have the two clowns
What kind of setup is it going to be? FO or FOWLR or Reef???
This is just my opinion...... I would've started with the chromis, then clowns, omit harlequin tusk unless FO with bigger fish, wait on the flame. Flames are big grazers so I think that if you were to have lr you need wait and let the tank establish itself.
Also, be careful of stocking to quickly. With the tank only set up for a month you may biologically stress the tank out. It is my experience that slower is definately better! It's easy getting caught up and purchasing too quickly.
From what I understand, once you start adding, add a new specimen every 2-3 weeks so that your tank can adjust to the bioload. Keep in mind too that if its a reef, the amount of lr will reduce the amount of h20 in the tank (not 75 gal. of h20) Then overstocking may become an issue. From what I read the general rule is (for adult fish) 1 inch of fish length (nose to beginning of tail) for every 4 gal of h20 in tank. Good luck, hope the info helps. :happyfish


tusk's are actually quite peacful, i plan on getting a juvinile so it's nto way bigger than the other fish in the tank. I have heard from people who have kept tusks that they are anything but, aggressive. Thanks for the advice. The tank is a FOWLR. I am pretty sure that everything will work, i don't think i still want the flame. So my list will be as follows:
1. 2 clowns
2. 2 or 3 green chromis
3. One Harlequin Tusk
I hope it works
I dont plan on adding any new fish soon except the chromis.
I am going to wait till summer to get the tusk.