What Other Animals do you have???


New Member
We have the following:
Greyhound dog (Daisy)
Sheltie dog (Molly)
2 Cats (Holly & Maddie)
2 Water Dragons (Ozzy & Lizzy)
2 Doves (Adam & Eve)
2 Guinea Pigs (Jasmine & Miranda)
125 gal. fish tank
Pond with Koi & Goldfish
A Groundhog (I've grown to love!) in our back yard. (My husband wants to shoot it, but I'll shoot him!!)


New Member
In our house we have 3 Newfoundland dogs, 1 cat, 2 dwarf hamsters, 1 singing canary, (1) 65 gallon FW tank, (1) 55 gallon SW reef tank and (1) 29 gallon SW seahorse tank. My 13 yr. old daughter also has a lil 5 gallon FW with 3 "googly eyed" goldfish (her words, not mine). People say we have a herd, but I just like to call it our family.


We have a cat (Misty), a dog (Sadie), 10 fw, 29 fw, 29 sw, a 55 sw, and a 10 year old sister (Caroline)
In the past we have had a cat (Rusty), a golden hamster (Nugget), a teddy bear hamster (Pooh), two fancy mice (Spankey & Buckwheat), and a ferret (Stretch)
Possibly a 75 reef soon

michelle l

Four cats....Eddie, Pumpkin, Peggy, and Armani.
One Great Dane, named Neo.
A 55 gallon SW tank. Looks like crap because it's really just our holding tank until the big one is ready.
A 240 gallon reef which is freshly set up and cycling as I speak. :jumping:


Active Member
We have...125 gallon reef tank....
2 gerbils that I found on the lfs's steps that I work at one is brown one is white....looking for names suggestions welcome...
numerous feril cats....
and maybe a boxer one day

tx reef

Active Member
Kids are expensive pets, huh?
Anyway, we have a dog (a mutt, it has the markings of a siberian huskie but with reddish brown and white fur instead of the normal black and white).
My wife has a cat that I hate very much.
It is not allowed in the house because it pees on everything I own. It lives in the sun room that is attached to the back of our house.
No offense to cat lovers out there, but I cannot stand cats. Maybe thats why my wife's cat pees on my stuff.
The only reason that I don't complain about this cat is because my wife found it on the side of the road when it was a kitten and bottle fed it and nursed it back to health.
We also used to have an iguana, but he suffered a cruel death due to the cat.


Originally Posted by Michelle L
Four cats....Eddie, Pumpkin, Peggy, and Armani.
One Great Dane, named Neo.
A 55 gallon SW tank. Looks like crap because it's really just our holding tank until the big one is ready.
A 240 gallon reef which is freshly set up and cycling as I speak. :jumping:
I have a cat named Pumpkin too :)
Also a German shorthair pointer (mostly) / Labrador named Jake. And the fishes.


Hi guys,
I have a huskie "Jak"
2 cats " Morgan & Scotty"
3 Chinchillas "Jay, Shelia, and Max" Jay and Shelia are going to be having babies in a couple months. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
3 sw tanks, 90 gallon reef, 29 gallon QT, and 10 gallon frag tank.
And of course my four children.


1 75 gal reef tank, 1 fresh water tank, 1 dog, 1 cat, 4 cockatiels, 1 mali uromastyx, 2 crested geckos, and 1 bearded dragon :happyfish


Active Member
ok heres a list but keep in mind i live at 2 houses but ya... we have 3 dogs; 1 catahula(pig hunting dog) a german shepard and a lab(black), a 55g reef, a 55g fresh set up, a 125g half pond for baskilics(cant spell but they are also known as jesus lizards), a 40g tall with some fresh water fish(my bros), a 25g hex that will soon have sea horses, 2 cats(hate them) a 25g fowlr that i made for my moms pleasure, a 5.5g salt for my moms bar, and 2 birds(love birds) and like 5 spare tanks laying around