What other fish can go with these...


1 Gold Stripe Clown
1 Clown (nemo)
1 Porcupine Puffer
1 FoxFace
1 Yellow Tang
1 Powder Brown Tang
8 Damsels
1 cucumber
3 anemones
I would love some color, without overstocking what others could I put with these guys?
220 gallon, and right now everyone is still small.
And not to start trouble but why would you want alot of fish and then return them? I like my guys!


Active Member
Still need to narrow down a bit. What do you plan for your tank? FO, FOWLR, Aggressive, or Reef? How much lr. What filtration.
What about a school of chromis or anthias? I love the flashes of color.


Active Member
I'd get something that will eat your damsels, lol. Sooner or later, these little terrors are going to make every "what fish" decision for you. You have some nice fish, if the puffer will leave him alone, a Radiata Lionfish would be a great addition. But then there are those damsels.....


Active Member
Wrasses are very colorful, active additions suitable to most situations, reef or not depending on what kind of wrasse. Plus they eat pests like bristleworms and flatworms. Some of them are solitary and some of them do well in schools.
Also, as someone else mentioned, a school of Anthias would be very pretty.
All this depends on how friendly your Puffer is though. It might decide to munch on some of the others as it matures, but since most of them are quick moving fish that shouldn't be too big of a problem. A lion would probably be an easy target.
Damsels suck. (Just my 2 cents)


Active Member
Originally Posted by TexasMetal
Wrasses are very colorful, active additions suitable to most situations, reef or not depending on what kind of wrasse. Plus they eat pests like bristleworms and flatworms. Some of them are solitary and some of them do well in schools.
Also, as someone else mentioned, a school of Anthias would be very pretty.
All this depends on how friendly your Puffer is though. It might decide to munch on some of the others as it matures, but since most of them are quick moving fish that shouldn't be too big of a problem. A lion would probably be an easy target
Damsels suck. (Just my 2 cents)
The damsel opinion is worth more than 2 cents. Please , if you really like damsels, don't be offended (Or be offended-- online is a great place to get angry.) I know they are hardy, pretty, inexpensive, and active. But I'll bet there are more threads on how to get rid of damsels than any other fish topic, except, maybe stuff that brings out the ever-lurking Tang Police. I like the idea of a trio of anthias with your group. I think these are really under-rated fish. Not the easiest, but not the hardest to keep either. They usually school above or outside the LR area, filling a void in the water column. Do your homework, this is a big family of fishes and most require feeding more often than other fish. IMO; avoid the deep water species, like the squareback, their colors really fade in the bright light we like.I'd even post another thread if you decide to get some anthias; there's a lot of info and experience out there.


my tank seems to be slightly aggressive...tangs and puffer and all..with territorial...as you know we are brand spanking new to the hobby....we are trying to do everything possibly right...the hardest thing is from fish store to fish store no matter what i do is wrong..so i seem to figure this hobby is some knowledge mixed with trial and error...like i said we have a 220gallon tank,30 gallon below...its 6 ft long either 24 high or 30 inch high..havent measuered yet...i wash before i go near tank,spray no aerosols in the room...
i have live rock,3 anemomiies,8 damsels small so far,powder tang,yellow tang,2 clowns one goldren stripe one true,1 porcupine puffer,one cucumber aka sea turd...love that one...we are looking for something colorful dont care to much on price....the only thing we have 50/50 coral life light 4 36 inch bulbs....we would like to know a good fish ,if everything is ok with our system...all water treatment is at where it is suppose to be....but 2 fish stores have different opinion on heating,one says 78 degrees the other say 84.....we dont want coral....im soory so long but trying not to leave anything out...ty to all who try to help


Active Member
Not to dwell on the damsels, but I agree with my pals TexasMetal, and Srfisher, your tank would be better off without them.
Here is my 2 cents on where you are headed. IMO, any tank with a Porky Puffer is "aggressive", I think you should just continue toward that path for 2 reasons. First, I just think the "aggressive" fish are more interesting, I have many times thought about doing a reef tank, but I just prefer the personalities of the Triggers, Puffers, eels, Tangs, and big Angels, thus I have stayed away from doing a reef. Having puffers and Triggers to me is like having dogs, they are very entertaining. Second, you said you are beginners, the aggressive fish (triggers, puffers, eels and such) are very very hardy, and well tolerate the occasional mistake you might make as a beginner.
Oh, as far as temp., I don't use a heater, we keep our house at 78 pretty much all year, if the lights in the tank move it a degree or so, its ok...In other words, my fish seem very happy from 78-80 degrees.
Once again, just an opinion....Good Luck, and please keep us posted.