What other fish should I add??

I have a 180g with 100#'s LS and 200#'s of LR. Here is my stock list so far:
2 perc's w purple carpet as host.
1 naso tang
1 foxface
1 blue hippo
1 mandarin dragonet
1 yellow tang
Normal clean up crew of snails, hermits and cleaner shrimp.
I'm going to add 1 more tang, I haven't decided what type yet. I wanted to add some more smaller type of fish, that are reef safe. Anyone have any ideas for me?


Black and white Henichus butterfly for the reef safe fish and a Purple Tang! Ooo,or a Gem or Black Tang! :scared:
I made the mistake of getting a lunare wrasse a couple of weeks ago. he ate most of my snails, and alot of my hermits! I want to make sure what ever I get is reef AND invertibrate safe. Are the Anthias's invert safe? And are the butterflys?


Bannerfish,Copperband Butterflies,and Longsnout Carribiean Butterflies are the only reef safe butterflies I know.All 3 which are in some way hardy and helpful! :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Disco Bay JN
Are the Anthias's invert safe? And are the butterflys?
I had this same question as I want to get two females and one male. Was going to get a pink square anthias, but the Lyretail are less expensive. It says to watch with shrimp so I wanted to make sure. Seemed to get some good feedback about them: