What other fish would you add?

I got a 30 gallon tank and have 2 clowns. I migrated them to a 30 gal after the 10 gal I had them in cracked. Now I have about 10 pounds of live rock, 1 peppermint shrimp, one emerald crab, 2 blue hermits, a palm sized anemone and 1 small xenia. I want to add a lawnmower blenny cause I love watching them clean the substrate. But I also want to add a non agressive fish that likes to swim around all day. any suggestions?


Sixline wrasse? (I hear they can be aggresive, though mine isn't)
Maybe blue/green chromis, they school.
I agree with the firefish.
Don't firefish jump? I have a cover, but I broke out all the spaces on the backside so where I don't have the filter or UV, I got a 2in space that's open.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gman20001969
Don't firefish jump? I have a cover, but I broke out all the spaces on the backside so where I don't have the filter or UV, I got a 2in space that's open.
they are good jumpers but i have had mine for almost 2 years and it hasnt ever jumped i also have a 2 inch space through the back of my 72
i would get a blackcap basslet, firefish, clown goby, jawfish if u have a 3+ inch sand bed, or a shrimp/goby pair like yellow watchman and a pistol shrimp
(not all of these just 1 maybe 2 or 3 depending on what u like ask)
like any of these?