What other High School does this?

dr. evil

wow pretty elaborate. But if it helps to keep kids alive more power to em. But what ever happened to the days when they would show that movie Reefer Madness now theres a deterant.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
shark- make us proud. We will of course be living vicariously through you.
ill pretend i kno what vicarious means and take that as a compliment


Active Member
They did it at my roomate's high school, but not at mine. I think it's a good idea, it seems extreme...but so does becoming mentally retarded or dying because you couldn't ask for a ride.
Once when I was at the grocery store with my mom and told me about this guy who was working there. He was one of the smartest kids in his school and on prom night he went out drinking and tried to drive himself home. He got in a wreck and now will never be able to have a true career or probably take care of himself. That was enough to make me think twice!


Sounds like quite the show! All they do up here is show us cheasy slideshows of a fake funeral.


Active Member
adv : indirectly, as, by, or through a substitute;
"RFB enjoyed High school vicariously through young Master Sharkboy"


we had one of these things at my high school. it was pretty much the same but with out the busses and chopper but thats not the point. one of the guys that spoke at the meeting afterwards was a guy that had killed one of my friends older brother because he was drunk and they were driving around. long story short a while after he gave that speech (and he did it all the time at lots of different schools, I think it was part of some community service he still owed.) but he was busted for drunk driving. It was in the paper. That guys screwed.


Active Member
we just had 2 cops come in and show us red asphalt 2... i think i was the only one who kept eating when they showed the dismembered arm...


they went all the way with the media. they put all the info on the newspaper and (i don't know if the two girls that died or all of the 20 kids) but they were put in the obituaries.