What other triggger would be good with Niger?



you already have one trigger in a 55 let alone one that gets 20in., i would not add any more triggers


Anywhere did I say is it ok to add another trigger with a niger in a 55? no. you did not answer the question. Again I will be upgrading shortly. All I want to know is what other triggers would work with a niger.


Originally Posted by drake94
Anywhere did I say is it ok to add another trigger with a niger in a 55? no. you did not answer the question. Again I will be upgrading shortly. All I want to know is what other triggers would work with a niger.
if you wait until you upgrade, i would say a pink tail trigger would be good with a niger. it's supposedly pretty docile. if i had a bigger tank, i would definitely add one to my system with my niger but i only have a 100g.


Originally Posted by drake94
thanks greenwolf52. Would a blue throat be ok too?

i suppose so. i have heard that they are ok in reefs so i guess that would make a good tankmate for the niger but not all three. no more than 2 together in a 55. a 55 is small for a niger alone. these guys have lots of territory and they need it all. my niger rules my tank. i can't even put my hand in there anymore. kind of annying. i can't imagine having another trigger in my 100.
this is only my experience with triggers. take what you want from it


I got a 150 with a 6" niger,clown trigger, bursa,huma & a retragluar with a 6" naso tang 2 damsels 2 perc clowns & a maroon & they are all very peaceful with each other.I don,t know why or how but this has been going on for a year now.

shark bait

crosshatch and blue throat would be the best bet in the right size tank.


blue throats can be shy and IMO would be bullied most of the time
id say the pinktail or the black
and then id say maby one of the picassos


Active Member
BILLYG, are you going to upgrade soon? Your clown trigger and naso will get to big for a 150g. But congratulations on getting them to get along, but just saying that the naso gets 18" and I'm pretty sure the clown gets alot bigger and more aggressive.