what really ticks you off about the hobby


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
When I set up a siphon fo a water change and get distracted...most I've lost is 200 gallons of salt water... grrrrrr

I know that you probably don't think that this is comical, but I have to admit, I got a good chuckle out of it.:D :p


don't make fun of my $, thats all I have left ;)
The other thing that REALLY pisses me off, are when freaking moths fly into my tanks. I go nuts when it happens. It was bad when it happened in my 75, but now when it happens in my nano its 10 times worse, if flip totally out. even when I take the moth out there is all of that freaking mothdust all over the surface of the water. :mad: :mad: :mad: These mad faces don't do my true emotions justice.
This is wonderful hobby but what makes me the most upset is that we are destoying the real coral reefs.
We take rocks coral and fish from their environment, and most of them WILL DIE sometime between shipping and when we introduce them into our aquarium. That there are INEXPERIENCED PEOPLE who dont bother with research before they kill animals. That most of us do not try as hard as we should to mantain the best system possible. And that more fish species are not raised in aquaculture farms and our corals also.
Also that there are some people who KNOW that they can not provide the PROPER CARE but decide to stick with it for the heck of it.

cool clown


Originally posted by Dacia
I think what ticks me off the most, aside from the money, is when people who have never seen my tank or its water parameters try to tell me what I need to do.
If I see a problem or there's something I am not sure about, I will ask...all LFS are guilty of this, becuase they want to make a sale no matter what you came in to the store to do!

I with you, There are 2 LFS within 150 miles of me and the teenage girl at ***** knows more then they do!:mad:

cool clown

I agree with Salisbury A D. That is why I buy base rock and seen it with a few pounds of live rock. It take longer but im in the hobby for the long run, it also saves our reefs. I do my research because I hate to lose a fish for no reason, plus my 4 year old cries for hours when one dies. :( If you have kids you know what this is like.


After mixing up the water before a change i had to siphon it from one container to another, so i just used some extra tubing. Got a mouth full and ended up swallowing some. Not my fancy at all !!!!