What salt to use?


New Member
I have noticed that there are a lot of different salt brands out there to make saltwater. Is one better then the other? What makes one brand of salt better for your tank? Does it matter what salt you use if you have corals and fish?

nm reef

Active Member
Another Instant Ocean user that will make the change to Oceanics new product. I look for stable levels of calcium/alkalinity/magnesium...quick mixing...and reports indicate Oceanic is a more stable product than the Instant Ocean.

reef junky

Another Instant Ocean user. It is true that magnesium levels are low, but I have been told my situation is because I am using Reverse Osmosis water. R/O water is stripped of many things including MG. I personally like Instant Ocean salt mix and dont mind adding a cap or 2 of MG up when I top off my system.


Been through the I/O, and the Red Sea. Switched to Oceanic and I love it!!! My calcium/ alk levels have NEVER in the past been so right where I want them!!!

reef junky

What is this Oceanic that you speak of? What is the full name and where bo you buy it? Does it come in 160 gallon buckets? Does it compare in price to I/O?


another vote for oceanic.
Seems like a no-brainer. Instant Ocean needs to step up to the plate and add a little more calcium and magnesium - otherwise they're gonna get beat down.
Sorry folks - but the bottom line is you make a product with 2 of the most essential chemicals at lower levels than needed and you're going to lose.


Active Member
Oceanic here also. I am a convert form reef crystals which I am very pleased with the results.


Active Member
I had a post about what salt to use about 2 weeks ago and i decided to go with oceanic and it dissolves so fast and I like it alot better than IO.



Originally posted by reef junky
What is this Oceanic that you speak of? What is the full name and where bo you buy it? Does it come in 160 gallon buckets? Does it compare in price to I/O?

This new camera syndrome should wear off shortly!!! But until then...


And I get mine from the LFS, and it is the same price as I/O...here. But I've read posts where people claim that Oceanic is more expensive. But if you are buying a 10 bottle of Mag. to supplement, then you hafta factor that in.


Tropic Marin for me...switched from Oceanic, i noticed i would get a white film on the glass when i did water changes using the Oceanic. that doens't happen with the Tropic Marin.


We get that oceanic bucket here for $50 and I setup my 120g with is about 6 months ago. Never before have I had coral growth like this and EVERYTHING appears to be doing great. I do a water change every week and my calcium stays around 450.


New Member
Hey Guys!
Thanks for all of your feedback. I think we are going to go with the Oceanic since we can get a bag at our LFS for about 12 dollars.