When I first started out I used Crystal Sea. I had a 5 gallon bucket of it. Never had any problems. Easy to mix, water was always perfect, but when I finally used all the salt I couldn't find another of it so now I use IO.
I actually use Instant Ocean and Reef Crystals, I like to mix them together so I get the best of both worlds, I like the extra trace elements that Reef Crystals offer....Been doing this for awhile and been successful.
my friends dad works for marine enterprises (and for all of you sea hores people u will love this). this lady call them and said i have tried breading my sea horses and have nevery had any luck. they lay there eggs but they never seem to hatch. i tried all the salts and the only one they live in was chrystal sea. so after that she ordered 500 5gallon buckets of it and they also got this report that some company tested all the salts with and guess who has the best salt? not IO but chrystal sea. and the best part about it is that i use it if you guys want to try some i will give you the number so you can call and get some just e-mail me at Sleeprn1@juno.com and i will give you the #