What should I be?


Active Member
Money shouldn't determine what you want to be. What do you like, and how much time are you willing to put into school? Personally I'd rather be making less money but be doing something I love, than making a lot but hate going to work everyday.
For me at least, I've always been creative and good with understanding how stuff is put together, so architecture made sense to me (since about 4th grade), and that's what I'm studying.

salt life

Active Member
I'm gonna be 18 in 2 months so I also have to figure out what I want to be so I can study it in college, since I was little I have been around the ocean and as I got older decided I wanted to be a marine biologist and have my own research facility and a small aquarium. If you like fish and want to study stuff within the ocean then I would go for it, don't settle for something your not gonna be unhappy about or not have fun doing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I'm not sure what I want to be when I grow up. Anyone got any suggestions? What kind of jobs are in high demand and make a good amount of money? I know doctors are for sure, but what els? Farmers, dentists, ect?
I thought you were ALREADY planning you 2009 Halloween costume! Why not be Iron Man this year since the SPIDERMAN Costume you wore in 08 might be getting small on you!


Active Member
DO what you LOVE. and if you don't know what that is yet, then take your TIME. Don't RUSH. Everyone is so obsessed w/figuring out what they're going to do with the rrest of their lives by the time they graduate college - you're 3minutes old. give yourself a minute!! Take as many classes as you want, explore EVERY option. If u THINK u might like something.... GO for it!! I've got 2 different degrees & myriad certifications & spent over 3years beyond school in a career I soon learned was NOT for me.
Know what?
You can ALWAYS start again. You can ALWAYS go back to school, you an ALWAYS change your career. It should never be "what should I be for the REST OF MY LIFE,"
but rather it should be "What do I LOVE?"


Active Member
+1 to Mimz....I agree. It took me a bit after high school to realize what I wanted to do...not to mention a divorce...but any ways...if it wasn't for me realizing that I had to do something to support myself and my son then I wouldn't have become a master welder and realized that I absolutely am passionate about it. I'm going to put in a new welding machine in my garage this year sometime and start building metal art. It's what I've wanted to do for a while. Spend time realizing what you want out of life and what career you want to do....not what pays good but can be the worst job ever. Enjoying what you do is everything....
If you don't know...don't stress out about it...it'll be ok.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Oh, that's easy! I LOVE fish/reefs. Its just, marine biology, there isn't really a demand and there is a small chance in you becoming a marine biologist.
then work in a pet store. work in a veterinary hospital and do your internship in an aquarium. if you REALLY LOVE marine biology, you will stop at nothing, you will find any way, EVERY WAY to get at what you love. there is more than one path to every destination!!


Active Member
...work as a SCUBA instructor, work as an underwater photographer, work as a SCUBA tour guide on a cruise ship or for a hotel in the Caribbean....


Active Member
Originally Posted by SrgVigil
If your looking for jobs in high supply try engineering
uh...... if u know of any job openings for electrical engineers in Pennsylvania, could u please let me know? My Dad...and....like... all his engineer friends.... need jobs right now.


Active Member
Im studying to be an accountant of some type right now. I would do something corporate, however my aunt is one for Office Depot and just got laid off, making a 6 figure salary. Personal accounting it is!
Plus the money is good, and theres always a demand


Active Member
I would definitely stay away from IT right now. Too many people and not enough good paying jobs.
Its been said before, but I'll say it again. DO NOT go into a career for what you think the potential money will be! You'll only end up miserable. Also consider the fact that many, many people that spend 4 years in college getting a degree end up working in fields that have absolutely nothing to do with what they majored in. I have a degree in business management, have been working in IT for the past 13 years now and have finally had enough and am in the process of starting my own business to be a Home Inspector.


Active Member
I agree with a lot of the advice here. At the age of 15, I wouldnt worry about what you want to be. I would enjoy being 15. The truth is even at the age of 18 most people don't know what they want to be. Heck how many people change their majors in college? For that matter, how many people have a bachelors in 1 area of expertise yet work in a totally unrelated field?
I certainly recommend college no matter what but don't feel you must know your "calling" in life in your teenage years.


Active Member
how mechanical are you? GOOD service techs are in high demand to work on HVAC/r and boilers. plumbers... not really, but service techs will always have work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SrgVigil
If your looking for jobs in high supply try engineering
Plus one, you have a high income potential out of college. Rediculous income potential 5-10 years out. Plus if you do it right, it is always different, really technical, and you get to build cool things.
Originally Posted by Mimzy

uh...... if u know of any job openings for electrical engineers in Pennsylvania, could u please let me know? My Dad...and....like... all his engineer friends.... need jobs right now.
mimzy, not in pen but our company is hiring engineers and all they need is a pulse.