what should I buy next?



I have a 75g DT, 50g rubbermaid sump and 20g rubbermaid fuge a mag 7 on the return, seaclone 150 skimmer, 3 maxi-jet 1200's, 2 sets of pc's 390 total watts, 190watts actinic and 190watts 10k. About 75lbs live rock I'm currently curing about 100lbs of DIY rock most will go in the sump. I have a few softies and I want to add alot more that is why I added the big sump and fuge but I'm not sure what I should buy next. Maybe a better skimmer or a UV light please any suggestions would be great. Thanks in advance.


I would say to upgrade the skimmer and maybe the lights? You could try to stick a MH in there or 2. I think that the only things you really need is good lights, good skimmer, and flow.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Yeah, if you want to add harder to keep corals like SPS, you'll need to upgrade your lighting. If you're just keeping softies and LPS, you'll be ok with most corals.


Active Member
Look for another powerhead. One that's not fixed so you can adjust direction, as well as power setting.
Originally Posted by T316
Look for another powerhead. One that's not fixed so you can adjust direction, as well as power setting.


Thanks for the reply's now I can start the research so I don't buy something I will have to replace. I think I will upgrade the skimmer first do you all think I should leave the seaclone 150 in or just use it as a backup.

al mc

Active Member
I have several skimmers..old ones stay as I add the new one(s) on my systems. There is little downside to increasing skimming. Also, there is much debate about whether there is more good than harm done by UV light for a reef system..helps with disease control but may kill off beneficial microorganisms for the reef inhabitants. Lighting you have now is OK for softies. You will be best served by T5s and/or MH's if you want to keep more light demanding inverts (clams/sps).....


For sure get a high end skimmer if you are looking to keep sps. Get a nice name brand(do some research)and you will never have to mess with it or regret the purchase. if you get a nice skimmer it will become obvious to you that the old one is just wasting electricity. As far as flow you can add magnets and mods to the maxis and get plenty of flow but for the price of the mods and magnets you can get some koralias which can be controlled with a seio controller. For flow I think they are the next step down from Tunzes and at about 10% of he price. T-5s have a lot of upsides they consume far less power than MH,they generate a fraction of the heat(which can be a major issue),in addition the bulbs hold up their par readings for a lot longer period of time vs PC or MH,so you dont have to replace them as often. You can keep pretty much any corals with t5's provided you get good ones. The growth rate is however less than with MH's and you dont get the 'shimmer' that everyone whines after,your choice.

al mc

Active Member
T5's..Less expensive to purchase and run that MHs. If you buy them make sure you get ones with individual reflectors..increases the par/light tremendously.
MH's..More expensive to buy and operate (electric and replacement bulbs) but many people also like the light 'shimmer' effect you get from them in your
water. That is a cosmetic effect. Check out both at a LFS for yourself, if possible.
Many people use an integrated lighting system that have both MH's and T5's.
Skimmers: expensive: MRC, Deltec
moderate: ASM and Octopus all good IMHO


For a 145 gallon system like yours I'd add a really good recirculating skimmer. Check out the MRC (My Reef Creations) MR-2R. It's rated for systems up to 450 Gals. and I love my MR-4R.


Get rid of those Maxijets and get yourself a Tunze 6101 on that system, you will not be sorry.


I've got about 60lbs in the DT and 30lbs in the sump is that enuff.


Koralia are only spatially adjustable up down side to side. TUNZE are adjustable as in water flow (pulsing, wavemaking etc.) Koralia can't do that.