what should I do...Nitrite went up a little


My Nitrites have been 0, tested the water today and there almost 0.25. Should I do a water change or is there something I can get to help with that? Ph was 8.3, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0.25 and Nitrate was about 5. What should I do, or should I be ok?


Active Member
its fine, mine was like 30 a few weeks ago, now its like 10 and im thrilled. just keep an eye on it and keep doing water changes and regular maintenence like cleaning out filter pads etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
its fine, mine was like 30 a few weeks ago, now its like 10 and im thrilled. just keep an eye on it and keep doing water changes and regular maintenence like cleaning out filter pads etc.
Are you sure you're not talking about nitrate levels of 30 and 10 ppm? Nitrite levels of 10ppm are so high they are unmeasurable by most kits.
How old is the tank? If the tank is under 6mo old, this sort of thing is not at all uncommon. Measure at least daily and make sure they don't go any higher. It may be a good idea to keep about 15% of your water volume ready in new seawater to put in if it goes any higher. If it doesn't go any higher, keep watching and it should drop off on it's own.


I checked my water this morning...and there back to 0. When they were high, i think its cause i tested when I had feed my star...that may have had something to do with it..not sure...lol I also put in a new filter pad and carbon.