What should I do to this Car in my reserved Parking spot?


Active Member
I've got a car sitting in my covered parking spot at the apartment. Been there all friggen weekend. Left early monday, but when I came home from work that dang car was back in my spot. The dang apartment don't really have a towing contract. So they can't really tow it. Plus it seems like this only happens to me. And the honor system has worked so far. Except for the family that from what I've heard are Katrina evacs. I think their guests are the ones who are parking in my spot.
so what should I do to this car. Clearly someone is blatantly abusing the honor system. I need to have some fun, while my car is bombarded with bird crap every night now.


Active Member
take a bar of soap- something with lotion in it cause it takes forever to come clean and cover all their windows and mirrors with it


Active Member
Simply write a nice letter explaining the situation and scotch tape it to the driver window. Teach and lead by example.


this has happened to me before
i call my apartment property manager, tell her to get it towed, or find the person it belongs to and get it moved. its in my lease contract that i get my covered spot, so its my property managers responsibility to get it towed, or by other means make sure I get that spot, and that no one parks there again


Active Member
Put marbles in their muffler. Nothing is more annoying and more impossible to fix without replacing the whole thing. I will admit it is a total jerk thing to do... it's definitely not for the weak-hearted. Personally I've never done it, and I hope it never happens to me (Karma) but if they're blatantly parking in your spot and it's specifically reserved for you, then I would definitely do SOMETHING about it.


Active Member
Keep in mind you are fighting for this spot. A spot that you want to park your car, and any actions you take open yourself up for retaliation. This isn't some random shopping mall incident where they gave you a door ding, and a return of vandalism is recommended.
Leave a note, and if that doesn't work, look up in your lease contract if a covered spot is in there. If so, call a couple towing companies, I'm sure one of them will be more then willing to help...
If you want ideas though, expand foam in the front of the door, by the hinge will lock that puppy shut, or down the window frame into the door and the foam will pop the door out big time as it expands...


Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Put marbles in their muffler. Nothing is more annoying and more impossible to fix without replacing the whole thing. I will admit it is a total jerk thing to do... it's definitely not for the weak-hearted. Personally I've never done it, and I hope it never happens to me (Karma) but if they're blatantly parking in your spot and it's specifically reserved for you, then I would definitely do SOMETHING about it.
man i love it! going to have to remember that one.
tell your apt. manager and leave them a note. that's the right thing to do.........though the marbles sound friggin hilarous!
my neighbor uses my yard as a ramp to load things into the back of his truck. there's a ditch thats not to steep, the thing is he leaves ruts in my yard an kills the grass. i'm moving in a couple of weeks and considering leaving a huge donut in his front yard.


Active Member
Originally Posted by VALgae
man i love it! going to have to remember that one.
tell your apt. manager and leave them a note. that's the right thing to do.........though the marbles sound friggin hilarous!
my neighbor uses my yard as a ramp to load things into the back of his truck. there's a ditch thats not to steep, the thing is he leaves ruts in my yard an kills the grass. i'm moving in a couple of weeks and considering leaving a huge donut in his front yard.
What you should do is pour salt on HIS grass since he's been messing yours up. It's not permanent, but gives the grass a dead brown look for a few weeks.


Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
What you should do is pour salt on HIS grass since he's been messing yours up. It's not permanent, but gives the grass a dead brown look for a few weeks.
ohhhhhh. quick too. hmmmmm. this old man LOVES his yard. waters incessantly during droughts, really makes me mad.


Active Member
There are two possibilities. Either they don't realize they are not supposed to park there, or they do realize it and park there anyway.
The way I look at it, if these people are parking in a spot they know they shouldn't be, then they are certainly willing to retalitate against you in far worse ways then you are to them. Plus, as the person who is assigned that spot, you would be the first suspect if their car is defaced but no others.
If they don't realize what they are doing, simple diplomatic action should be all it takes. What I'd do is what VALgae said. Engage your property manager. You are paying for that spot, right? They can't demand you pay for it but then do nothing to be sure you have it - that would make no sense. Your property manager will probably send them a warning then do something more drastic if/when they don't comply.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
There are two possibilities. Either they don't realize they are not supposed to park there, or they do realize it and park there anyway.
The way I look at it, if these people are parking in a spot they know they shouldn't be, then they are certainly willing to retalitate against you in far worse ways then you are to them. Plus, as the person who is assigned that spot, you would be the first suspect if their car is defaced but no others.
If they don't realize what they are doing, simple diplomatic action should be all it takes. What I'd do is what VALgae said. Engage your property manager. You are paying for that spot, right? They can't demand you pay for it but then do nothing to be sure you have it - that would make no sense. Your property manager will probably send them a warning then do something more drastic if/when they don't comply.
Either possibility they are at fault, because the resident should have told them where to park. 2nd you'd think big numbers in the parking spot would indicate reserved parking.
3rd they've left, and returned to park in the same spot. (the only possibility is that they think they are parking in their spot (and aren't guests of the people I think they are).
Personally, I'd love to mix up some thermite and ignite it on their hood! But I don't think I'd get away with it.
I'm considering getting those car rollers (you know the thing that you can set the wheel in, that has castors) and you can push the car around in your shop without starting it. And pushing it into the street, that way it either gets hit or impounded!
I've seriously considered removing his tires, and telling him to come talk to me if he wants them back... And leaving his car on blocks.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
Either possibility they are at fault, because the resident should have told them where to park. 2nd you'd think big numbers in the parking spot would indicate reserved parking.
3rd they've left, and returned to park in the same spot. (the only possibility is that they think they are parking in their spot (and aren't guests of the people I think they are).
Personally, I'd love to mix up some thermite and ignite it on their hood! But I don't think I'd get away with it.
I'm considering getting those car rollers (you know the thing that you can set the wheel in, that has castors) and you can push the car around in your shop without starting it. And pushing it into the street, that way it either gets hit or impounded!
I've seriously considered removing his tires, and telling him to come talk to me if he wants them back... And leaving his car on blocks.
um, it's a parking spot.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
To bad it dosent get below freezing in Texas often.Some guy used to park in my space while visiting his girlfriend on weekends.One of my buddies came up with a idea.........
I took a bed sheet and soaked it in water and draped it over his car.It was in the low teens and it froze immediately.Then we threw a bucket of water on the car just for good measure. I heard him cursing from inside my apartment.