What should I do with a 29g?



if you already have corals, how about a frag tank. if not, one vote for nano reef


If you gotta ask then send it to me you don't need it ;)
I use mine strickly for mixing salt water...hmmm... might make a nice planted/pod tank though.


This is a nice tank, one I don't want for a fuge, don't need one anyway. I want a tank to put in our bedroom. I see the vote in for a nano reef huh? Nobody thinks I should do a planted freshwater? I have never had a freshwater, unless you count bettas. I think the invert would be cool but I wouldn't know what to put in it. So If I go with the reef what type of lights should I use? It is a standard 29g, same dimensions as most.


Active Member
Planted freshwater tanks are nice to have. Depending on the fish, of course. I had a beautiful planted FW tank until I added my fantail goldfish...they made a good meal of the plants, so I replaced them with realistic looking plastic plants.


Pretty tank Dacia, goldfish is what I wanted to put in, but they will eat the plants huh? I want the giant goldfish with the big eyes, not sure their name. Is it all goldfish?


Well-Known Member
hey i voted for planted freshwater. :D
Especially in a bedroom it not only would look nice but would be extremely low maintenance and very quiet. They don't even require an airstone for instance. My 10g planted fw only requires feeding the fish, replaceing water that evaporates. It supports about 30 guppies of vairous sized which grew up from the original 3 I started the tank with.
Gee you didn't list a planted salt tank. shucks.


I would make a nano-reef w/ sps corals and clams... This is a small tank and w/ a small tank the lighting is much more easier... I would also put a pair of clown goby, a shrimp goby w/ pistol shrimp and a firefish. I would also put a hairy mushroom or a small anemone (if there is something like small anemone) and put anemone crab, porcelein crab, sexy shrimp and anemone shrimp!
It would be a gorgeous tank i guess... but will be a small tank sure