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so i went to a lfs the other day and bought a 6-nano for $100. got home and looked and it wasn't the same tank that the owner sold me on, so i went back to exchange it for the display. to make a long story short, got home and figured out that the display is actually a 12-gal nano. so here's the question, should i say something to the owner about it and offer him some more money for the deal, or is it their bad and they should know thier inventory better? any advice?
I'm all for being very honest about anything... when I was at my LFS getting live rock once and saw on the computer register a product name that didn't really look right, I mentioned it. Of course, the product that was on there was a $2 container of fish food, which is a lot less than the $80 worth of rock that should have been there, and although knowing I would have saved some $78 if I had kept my mouth shut, I definitely feel more zen about it all. The fact that you're actually asking about it means you have it weighing on your conscience. That being said, you're already home with it so it's really up to you what you do at this point. You could always mention it next time you're there if you want, but they sold it to you at that price without being more diligent about their sales.