What should I do?


Hey all,
I have a 120 gallon tank that is up and ready. It has finished the cycle, I transfered my coral from my 29 gallon to my 120 along with my clownfish and blackcap basslet. Now, I will be getting some tangs in the next few months. Would 3 be ok in my 120? I will get a red sea sailfin tang, blue hippo and a bristletooth (chevron, yellow eye kole tang or blue eye tang). I would get everything small, and years from now I may have to find a new home for the sailfin. Would that work ok?
Thank you for your help.


I am guilty of having a sailfin and a chocolate tang in a 75 both R very young still I will be upgrading to a 120 plus. I was told they would be fine for several years in my 75. So I am sure 3 would be fine in your tank.
Good luck


Thats what I have been told before by some friends and with my reading. I really would like to get a yellow eye kole tang as well. We shall see. I would rather have more small fish.
Thanks again