What should i do?


Active Member
My Tail Spot blenny is dying :(. He was perfectly healthy looking yesterday and was eating well, now hes sort of twitching at the bottom and i fed the tank and he cant eat so I'm pretty sure there's not much hope for him (i have no clue what could have dont it, theres no signs of aggression or starvation ect.). Anyways, Do you think i should put him out of his misery (if so, how?, i was thinking icy fresh water would put him out pretty quick), or just let him die?
Thanks, Hunter.


Active Member
never mind, he was dead by the time i finished posting this.
Do you think a BTA stinging it could have killed it?


Active Member
What all is in your tank? Could also be paremeters or water quality.
I once had to kill a damsel by ice...i feel horible now for that lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blackjacktang http:///forum/thread/383724/what-should-i-do#post_3358089
What all is in your tank? Could also be paremeters or water quality.
I once had to kill a damsel by ice...i feel horible now for that lol
The other fish in my tank are my 2 clowns and 2 firefish, and ive never seen any aggression at the blenny from any of them. All my water parameters are fine to. The only thing i can think of that would do any damage would be that it accidentally swam into the anemone, or maybe just old age
(it was full grown when i got it.)


Active Member
if he did touch the anenome then yes it could be that. The venom from the anenome most of the time will make a fish "spazz" and die. This has happend to me about times now.
So it most likely was. Not 100% sure tho