What should i feed my Frogspawn?

I got a frogspawn Friday and hes doing ok right now but i dont know if im supposed to feed him anything or not? I also got a bunch of green stripped mushrooms. So if i need to do something to keep these things alive besides giving them light then what is it? Thanks for any info.
No one knows about Frogspawns? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" />


Active Member
you need to give people more than 2 hours! Most memebers are at work on monday mornings!!! Also, Do you use phytoplankton?
Sorry i was getting nervous that my froggy would die on me. And i have never heard of phytoplankton.... is this some kinda of food?

nm reef

Active Member
Frogspawn/hammer/torch....all sort of in the same family I think........mine seem to do well on regular doses of dt's phytoplankton...and occassional direct feedings of brine/mysis soaked in zoe........
PS you really should try to know feeding requirements prior to adding a speciman.....at least thats my opinion..........*_^
I agree with you, but, i got the frogspawn as part of a deal. I bought a 29 gal reef system that had 45lbs of LR a good skimmer, a six line wrasse, a royal gramma, frogspawn, leather coral, and green stripe mushrooms all for 150.00
So i wasnt about to pass this deal up. Especially since i just took everything out and put it in my 55 gal and then sold the tank and stand for 50.00
I have 100 dollars in the whole thing and the rock alone is worth way more than that. So the corals and fish were just lucky bonuses and i stuck em in there without knowing a thing about them. Why? Because i know i can count on you guys to help me through my delimas ;)
But thanks for the info


The frogspawn will filter feed, that is why phytoplankton is suggested. I feed mine directly, with a syringe and rigid tubing using marine qusine and brine that has been soaked in Zoe. I also add Kent marine chromaplex daily. Since I am going to be fragging the frogspawn soon, I would say what I am doing is working.


Active Member
Originally posted by Tellico Tornado:
<strong>Sorry i was getting nervous that my froggy would die on me. And i have never heard of phytoplankton.... is this some kinda of food?</strong><hr></blockquote>
you can get phytoplankton from your LFS...it's either a dry powder or you can get live DT's phyto. Live is preferable of course.


I am new at this so this is merely my opinion as to what works for me and my corals.I have both a frogspawn and a branching hammer and as far as I can see they are doing fine. I feed phytoplankton once a week for a month then I skip a month. On the off month I feed them marine cuisine with a syringe twice a week. When the lights are on they are full and plump as ever. My hammer is even recovering from die off. when I purchased it from ---- three of the four heads died not now I can see that is is growing back. I am not sure if this helps you but I is working for me. Also I have positioned mine so that the current bounces off the glass they seem to love the current.