What should I feed my new fish?


Active Member
I just added my first fish to my tank a yellow tang and a Ocellaris clownfish... What should I feed them? And what should i mix stuff up and feed them or what??


Active Member
I feed my fish brine shrimp and prime reef flakes. That tang is going to need veggie food, though. And it's probably going to need a tank bigger than 55 gallons...


Active Member
yeah i know right now the tang is only like 1/2 inch if that its real small and im just gonna keep it until it getss to about an inch or 2 then trade it. I will most def trade him in at the lfs before hes 2 inches


New Member
I have had success feeing my tangs dried seaweed sheet on a suctioncup clip. Brown and or green both work fine and is readily available in most lfs.


Active Member
ok il go by petsmart when i get out of highschool 2morrow and pick up me some algea sheets there i remember i saw some there the other day... I need a feeding stick, but i dont think our pets mart have one and the lfs doesnt either..


Active Member
idk i just want one so i can feed my starfish on it to. and im to scary to stick my hand in the tank lol... i usually have my girlfriend feed things be hand...


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
ok il go by petsmart when i get out of highschool 2morrow and pick up me some algea sheets there i remember i saw some there the other day... I need a feeding stick, but i dont think our pets mart have one and the lfs doesnt either..
Just get a veggie clip.


Active Member
Just use your mag float. Get some frozen formula 2 for the tang as well. Brine shrimp & flake food is not an adequate diet for marine fish. Get some mysis shrimp, frozen prime reef is ok. Variety is the key for the clownfish...he is an omnivore and will benefit from a bit of formula 2 as well. Feed algae based food first.
You can keep the tang until it gets larger than 2in. and you can buy some live plants/algae that it will nip at. I have a blue tang and I think he likes that better and I don't ever see him take it off the veggie clip, but someone does cause it's gone every morning.
The problems with having a tang in a 55g are that they will become aggressive when they start to outgrow the tank, they may become stressed and get ick, or die, but as long as your tank isn't too crowded you should be fine for a few years. Yellows need swimming room, but they are tough and I have seen them in smaller with success. Don't let the tang police scare you off. Keep it fed, good water quality, and you can have success.


Active Member
Just wanted to let you know my experience with a yellow tang. I inherited it in a 20 gal. :scared: and I upgraded to a 45 gal (all I can do with space and $$). My stock list is a percula clown, coral beauty, royal gramma, cleaner shrimp, snails, emerald crab, boxing crab and there USED to be a yellow tang. I gave him to a LFS because he started injuring my coral beauty.. As soon as he was gone everyone seems to be more at ease and coming out from hiding. I did not realize how much they were hiding until I removed the tang. Now I can not wait to get some corals and my mandarin goby.(yes I have a refug and am wiling to stock my tank with pods).


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
idk i just want one so i can feed my starfish on it to. and im to scary to stick my hand in the tank lol... i usually have my girlfriend feed things be hand...


To me, buying a fish and THEN trying to find out what it eats is just irresponsible.
Never seen a 1/2" yellow tang. (will not live)
Never buy a tang thats under 2"
They need lots of swimming
Please do your research in the future before buying any more fish. If you are asking what to feed, I am guessing the tank is new and so are you.
I would take the tang back to the store as I am sure it will not live.


Active Member
sorry to butt in - Just wondering - i feed frozen brine. What is the difference b/w frozen and freeze dried nutrition-wise?


Active Member
Well in brine not much as it has next to none anyways, but for other foods frozen keeps the nutrition in better than freeze dried, you should be feeding a variety of foods such as shrimp, mysis, scallops, squid, etc.