What should I feed my porcupine puffer?


I got a porcupine puffer recently and the LFS recommended frozen krill and frozen food for triggers and wrasses. He loves the krill, but spits out the trigger food. What else can i feed him? I tried some prime reef flake and he will take some of that, but seems to spit everything out, sometimes even the krill.
Please let me know your food recommendations.


he will eat whole shrimps and snails and also hermits and how big is your tank and how big is the puffer :happyfish


I feel it is very important to feed a variety of foods, the Foods I offer my fish include Mussels, Octo, Squid, Mahi Mahi, Crab, Raw Shrimp, Nori, fresh frozen Peas & broccoli from the grocery store. I also feed Mysis, Marine Cuisine, Silversides, frozen Sand Eels, Formula I & II along with Spectrum pellets & Cyclopezee from the LFS. I feed 2-3 times per day, I soak all my foods in Vitamins almost daily & Garlic every once in a while.
One thing that my puffer does is eat the Fresh Frozen Peas, and any algae in the tank. My triggers eat greens daily, I alternate my foods for the fish so if I feed greens the next meal will be meaty foods than pellets and so on.
Hope this helps,


Does your puffer spit out food and then take it back in? Is this a sign the food pieces are too big?
My puffer is fairly small, approximately 3 inches long.
I have hermits in the tank, but he only nips at them, but never eats them. I've tried algae sheets, but he didn't seem to want them.


Mine eats that way as well, Puffers are messy eaters, I have tried smaller pieces but it only wants the larger ones. You can try smaller chunks and see if yours will take them.