what should i get?



on the 31st my lfs is having a 50% off sale, and every fish u want u can get. They are ordering a bunch, and if they dont have the one u want they will special order it for u and give u the discount. I have a 12g and all i have in it right now is a clown and i rlly want some more fish, so what would be some good additions to the tank? thanxs


Originally Posted by puffer97
on the 31st my lfs is having a 50% off sale, and every fish u want u can get. They are ordering a bunch, and if they dont have the one u want they will special order it for u and give u the discount. I have a 12g and all i have in it right now is a clown and i rlly want some more fish, so what would be some good additions to the tank? thanxs
Tail Spot Blenny! I love mine (he's in a 14G) - all the personality of a Midas, only packed into a tiny size for a nano tank.
I loved my Yasha Goby, she just died :-( .. Had her paired with a pistol shrimp in the 14.
Clown Gobies are nice and stay small.


well kinda, my lfs is trying to find me lights for my tank. But i dont rlly know much about them and im only 12 and i am in like every sport out there so if they take any more time then fish do i will have to say no.


Originally Posted by puffer97
well kinda, my lfs is trying to find me lights for my tank. But i dont rlly know much about them and im only 12 and i am in like every sport out there so if they take any more time then fish do i will have to say no.

Fish take just as much time as most corals.... Some are easier, some are harder. What are the dimensions of the tank?
**Please note, some day, the clownfish will outgrow a 12G tank.


The reason I asked about corals is some fish can go with them...some can not
I like yellow clown gobies....you can get a blennie.....but not much else


i know it will.... my dad and i are working on a 75 and 125 right now, the demensions are about L17xW10xH14 thats not exact but its the best i can do


Originally Posted by puffer97 http:///forum/post/3192492
i know it will.... my dad and i are working on a 75 and 125 right now, the demensions are about L17xW10xH14 thats not exact but its the best i can do
I would get a little 18" Current Nova Extreme T5HO light set up. They're under $100. Some websites sell them as low as $52 or so. The legs move so you can have a little 1/2 inch of the light hanging off each side, that's not much to worry about and one day when you upgrade, you can keep this tank running OR, use the lights on a refugium setup. The bulbs are cheaper than PC's and will produce more light and the PC fixtures are almost the same amount of money for this size.
Anyways, it will be a long time before the clown outgrows your tank, so don't stress too much. I just don't like when people try to keep them in there for life. The problem is, a lot of LFS's tell people they can put a clown in a 10G or so and then they learn later that it's not realistic.
Here's what I would do:
Get the light I listed above
Get some mushrooms, zoos, small frags of whatever you like (no SPS)
Tail Spot Blenny (sp. Ecsenius stigmatura) - one blenny
A little goby such as a Yasha, Yellow Watchman Goby, Court Jester, etc. (nothing that gets bigger than 4" and you can only have ONE goby)
If you don't want to go with these, take a look at the YellowHead Jawfish (I do not suggest anything else with this fish other than your clown)
https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/369045/14g-biocube-w-pistol-shrimp-yasha-goby-what-else-to-add <-- this is my mess of a tank, but it'll give you some ideas