What should I have on a QT tank


New Member
I have a spare 20gallon and a 10gallon in the garage, but they are empty and I am scared to set one up and just put one of my fish in there. What do I have to equipt the tank with (minimum. My Puffer has Ick and I think that my pink anthios has it to. My puffer started to have spots a while ago not bad and it did not change the way he acted, but he was always swiming directly into the power head (current). I thought that he liked the flow of the water but I guess that the ICK was irratating him. The other day the puffer was completely coverd with salt like spots all over him, he then started to sit in the top left corner of the tank like he was dead. I went out last night and bought some Quick Cure it was all I could find that late I put it in the tank and the next morning the puffer just about had no spots and was back swiming like normal. So in short should I take him and the pink out or should I Hyposalinity the tank or keep using the Quick Cure (the bottle says it will cure in 2 days) I just dont want the whole tank to die.


I have a Puffer also, and he now as Ick completely covering him. He also liked to swim in the current from the return pipes. I made the same mistake you did, and didn't think much of it. Now he is covered with white spots.
I was going to do Hypo, but, decided against it, after speaking with my lfs. Not to mention the 80 dollars for a refract..
I then started doing copper, but then found that the Amquel I was using to get rid of the chlorine was also getting rid of the copper - this was all done in the QT. I really should of used distilled water.
Anyway. I have been strongly recommended "Kick-Ick". I have just started using that. You may want to try that first, before hypo, or copper.
Hope this helps man!!


I have to disagree here ;)
does Kick-Ich works 100%? according to their direction in the back of the bottle?
It's take 21 days(if I remember their directions correctly) to complete the treatement. What happen it Kick-Ich does not help at all. Is your fishes death before you try Hypo or Copper?
my Q tank:
20 G long
few 2" and 3" PVC pipe
1 airpump with airstone
a cheapo aquarium light I found in my garage long time ago :)
I'm doing Hypo(2 sadleback clowns) as we speak.
My 2 new clowns were in the Q tank for about 2 and 1/2 weeks. I was thinking this is good. I plan to move them to my main tank after this weekend. Guess what!!! I found they are infected with Ich 2 days ago.
This is a good experience to share. For those who wonder "why are my fishes keep dieing?"