What should you have as basics for a 100 semi reef tank.....


New Member
I already own all the stuff and had my tank,fish,coral,etc for a couple years.....but seriously what should I be running for basics on this tank....I just would like to upgrade things now....I would like to see the corals flourish more and maybe try a couple different ones.....any suggestions???


Active Member
Good qualtiy skimmer, RO/DI unit if you don't already have one, and of course depending on your lighting you might want to upgrade


New Member
Thx since ur the only 1 who replied....which lighting is better....I have the compact light now....and what was the unit you were talking about???I have a skimmer but I know its not the best......


Active Member
I was referring to upgrading your lighting depending how indepth your going to get into corals......With MH's you will use more energy and increase heat a bit depending on your canopy situation and such. If you don't want the expense of MH's I would at least upgrade the PC's to T5's. IMO much better light output. What type of skimmer are you running currently?