What size chiller?


The tank i am working on at the moment is about 112g. It is 60"L x 24"T x 18"W. What size chiller should i run on the tank? I dont know what temp the tank usually runs at but i have been told that it runs kind of high during the summer. Also what are some good brands, and what are some to stay clear of? Also is probe or inline better? Any help would be appreciated! :help:


get the artica, 1/5 horsepower. it's really quiet, and the bigger the better... just like the fish tanks. i have that on my 90gal tank and it's set - 80 degrees. only goes on about 10 min like every 2 hours or so. Just like an air conditioner.


I have a 135g with 3 250W MH's and 2 160W VHO Actinics. I think the type of lighting will dictate how often your chiller will run, but I agree that getting the biggest you can for your tank is best so it isn't running all of the time.
I got a Titan 1500 and am finally happy with it after several issues and finally getting a replacement. I must say that Aqua Medic associates are extremely nice and very fast to deal with problems though.


the tank is running 3 5' 140W VHO's that are about 1.5' above the tank. Though the tank is an inwall, so heat build up can be a problem sometimes. Also im trying to find a chiller that will work for what i need, but isnt over expensive. This is for a biology lab and i am given a budget to work with, so i dont want to spend it all on the chiller. I have somewhere around $600-$750 i can spend. Also my LFS said a 1/4 hp is what i would need. And what are the pros and cons for inline vs. probe chillers?


My Titan 1500 is a 1/2 HP and cost me just under $600 online. As for the type, I've heard that the circulating chillers are better and more dependable, but I couldn't give you the specifics as to why. Just what I've heard. The drop ins sure seem like they would be easier to work with though.


Active Member
what kin of lighting are you planning on running? and is it going to be under a canopy or in the open??
those answers make a difference on the size of chiller your may need....
i run a 1/3 hp chiller on my 100 gallon ... i run 500W MH and 200 W PC under my canopy so the temps get hot.... i have a via aqua polar bear chiller and it seems to work very well it has a titanium core for cooling and a digital display.... keeps tank right at 80
got it on sale for $419 usually they are around $600 for the 1/3 hp one


Active Member
I have a 50 gallon tank, and i am going to turn it in to a reef tank. Do you think it is totally necessary? If so what is the price for a chiller? a decent one, or the cheapest one?


Active Member
well depends on what kind of reef your lookin to keep.... if u just want some softies and some LPS coral u can get away with PC or VHO lighting and some fans to blow the heat away .... if u wanna adventually keep clams and sps corals then ull most def need some MH lights which would mean you would probably need a chiller sicne they get pretty hot....
as chillers go they are usually pretty pricey.... you can get a smaller one be it a 1/5 hp or 1/4 hp depends on the makers .... one would probably run you $300-$400 depending on wher you purchase it and brand....
if anyone is ever serious about reef keeping then it is something they will need one day due to the heat from the necessary lighting.... you can do it slowly and just do PC for now then once u get the hang of reef keeping upgrade to a MH combo and then get a chiller if funds allow you


Active Member
I just ordered a retrofit and should be receiving it anytime now
and I dont think i will ever go as big as having a mh lighting. My friend is going to help me build a 10 gallon refuigm and i think that may keep the water cool as well.


I'm using an Aqua Medic Titan 1500 model 1/2 hp chiller and it works great. Was running temps on my 110 gallon tank which would spike up to 88-89 degrees over this past summer. After I purchased this on the classifieds here my tank now holds solid at a steady 80 degrees. Worth every penny. Do a Google search for any model that you are thinking of buying and you'll find dozens of sites offering it at reduced cost. Good luck.


ok so like i said, I am running the 112g with 3 VHO about 1.5' above the tank, i am looking to add another icecap and setting it up with each running 2 bulbs, will a 1/4 hp chiller be suffecient of do i need a 1/3? :notsure: