What size does a huma huma start to get aggressive?


I just have a suicidal huma huma that jumped out of the tank when I was cleaning it yesterday and I didn't even know until I found it behind the tank this morning. I was pretty upset because it was such a cool little fish and very docile, but then again it was only about 2.5" in size.
I was pretty eager to get something to replace it so I went up to the lfs and found a 4.5" huma huma for $32. It seemed like a good deal because the only other one they had was really small about 1.5" and it was $29.
Anyways, I was real skeptical about getting it because I know they are suppose to get meaner with age.
My question is: At what size do they really start to get mean?
I'm planning on putting it in with a 4" pink tail trigger, 5" stripped puffer, 3" dragon wrasse, 12" banded moray, and a few damsels.
Since it's the last fish in the tank I thought it may be ok, but are there any other suggestions or experiences?


It's a 72 gallon tank and I only have maybe 35lbs of rock mainly along the bottem although I have created a whole bunch of hidng spaces.


Active Member
Your tank is at it's maximum capacity. Add a little more liverock, and you will have a great looking tank on your hands. Bo


Thanks Bo, but how big do the huma huma triggers have to get before they start to get real mean? I have the fish in QT now and I was just wondering if it's going to start to pick on the other fish when I add it to the main tank? The smaller on I had was awsome and got along with everything, but I hear they get meaner as they get older.


Active Member
Honestly, it depends on the fish. All fish are different. I've seen some large specimens (5-6") kept with damsels, tangs, angels, etc. with no problems at all. I've also seen some 3" species that would put an undulate to shame. The more liverock for territory, usually the less aggression. Bo