What size for fuzzy dwarf?


As the title says, what's the minimum size tank for a fuzzy dwarf if it's all by himself? Ever since i started keeping fish i just fell in love with these guys.


I've heard that a 55 gal is the absolute minimum, but if you could I would go with something like a 75.


Active Member
According to Marine Fishes by Scott Michael, you could keep one in a 30 gallon. I like this book, but sometimes I don't understand how he decides on minimum tank size. This fish could grow to 6.7 inches according to the book, and in that case, I definitely wouldn't recomend a 30 gallon tank. I don't know much about lionfish, so I'm just throwing that out there, I'd wait for some other opinions.


This lion does not have the growth rate of the Volitan, if you get this lion small, it will grow pretty fast in the first couple of years but at around 4 - 5 inches the growth rate slows down. You could easily get away with a 55g or 75g for the life of your lion. If you go a 75g you could have two fuzzy dwarfs (male and female).